quanta magazine

Quanta magazine

Quantum algorithms can voulezjj leaks their way out of mazes exponentially faster than classical ones, at the cost of forgetting the paths they took, quanta magazine. A chemical trick quanta magazine making oxygen can sustain whole underground ecosystems. In steganography, an ordinary message masks the presence of a secret communication. Melanie Mitchell says digital minds will never truly be like ours until they can make analogies.

Illuminating basic science and math research through public service journalism. Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent online publication launched by the Simons Foundation to enhance public understanding of science. Why Quanta? The best traditional news organizations provide excellent reporting on applied areas of science such as health, medicine, technology, engineering and the environment. We strive to complement and augment existing media coverage.

Quanta magazine

Quantum algorithms can find their way out of mazes exponentially faster than classical ones, at the cost of forgetting the paths they took. In steganography, an ordinary message masks the presence of a secret communication. The physicist and computer scientist Stephanie Wehner is planning and designing the next internet—a quantum one. Biologists have demonstrated for the first time that a controversial genetic engineering technology works, with caveats, in mammals. Neither animal, plant, fungus nor familiar protozoan, a strange microbe foretells incredible biodiversity yet to be discovered. With proteins that reversibly self-assemble into droplets, cells may control their metabolism—and harden themselves against harsh conditions. The first animal genus defined purely by genetic characters represents a new era for the sorting and naming of animals. Researchers make significant progress toward proving a critical mathematical test of the theory of general relativity. Some species have the equivalent of many more than two sexes, but most do not. A new model suggests the reason depends on how often they mate. With a fully sequenced genome in hand, scientists hope they are finally poised to learn how axolotls regenerate lost body parts. Elastic springs help tiny animals stay fast and strong. New work is finding what size critters must be to benefit from the springs. A new theory may change the debate over evolution and self-interest among ants, bees and other social bugs.

Of course we are not quanta magazine and we can survive even when our systems of collaboration are destroyed. The famous "shut up and calculate".

Not the actual death of the magazine, just someone getting upset about lack of depth in an article. They simulated some aspects of wormhole dynamics under the crucial assumption that the holographic correspondence of the Sachdev—Ye—Kitaev model holds. I seriously doubt that many of it's readers have sufficiently deep knowledge of QC to properly understand the Sachdev—Ye—Kitaev model. Whatever that is. Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not disputing that the Quanta article is factually deficient - although I don't have the relevant specialist knowledge to understand why. I am disputing that this marks the "death" of the magazine. Veen on Dec 2, parent next [—].

Illuminating basic science and math research through public service journalism. Quanta Magazine is an editorially independent online publication launched by the Simons Foundation to enhance public understanding of science. Why Quanta? The best traditional news organizations provide excellent reporting on applied areas of science such as health, medicine, technology, engineering and the environment. We strive to complement and augment existing media coverage. Our work often resembles journalistic alchemy — we mash together the complexities of science with the malleable art of storytelling in an attempt to forge a precious new alloy. It can be a mind-bending enterprise, but we relish the challenge. At Quanta Magazine, scientific accuracy is every bit as important as telling a good story.

Quanta magazine

These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidence-based through the use of credible scientific sourcing. Legitimate science follows the scientific method, is unbiased, and does not use emotional words. These sources also respect the consensus of experts in the given scientific field and strive to publish peer-reviewed science. Some sources in this category may have a slight political bias but adhere to scientific principles.

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See Subscription Options Already a subscriber? Some of it is built on assumptions about nature, of course, which leads a lot of people to assume that the enterprise is built on a house of cards, but even this is worth really digging in to. A chemical trick for making oxygen can sustain whole underground ecosystems. A tangle in the interior of a cylinder loses information when viewed on the boundary because you lose a dimension ie, the shadow cast by string around a light bulb as you see it on the lamp shade. Their podcast "the joy of why" is still top notch. The famous "shut up and calculate". Everyone is well aware that non-physical assumptions to the equations of physics can produce arbitrary magical effects eg. Undark Magazine described Quanta Magazine as "highly regarded for its masterful coverage of complex topics in science and math. New Scientist didn't do this decades ago well, certainly not to the same extent. The rainbow of pigments that animals use for blood illustrates a central truth about evolution. These physicists assume a universe with nothing in it, then populate it with physicists and quantum computers and wormholes. Sign in.

Send feedback. Quanta Science Podcast. Listen to Quanta Magazine's in-depth news stories about developments in mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical computer science and the basic life sciences.

Yeah, this is how I feel when I read the actual research papers behind these sensational articles. Some species have the equivalent of many more than two sexes, but most do not. Entanglement looks like taking two filaments in a plasma globe and moving one in a circle around the other. I'll be honest. Totally lying about it in order to make it more broadly appealing is pretty bad. I saw that wormhole article and something in it triggered the bs detector. Journalism is about trust. The physicist and computer scientist Stephanie Wehner is planning and designing the next internet—a quantum one. But is the distinction between calculation and experiment really specialist knowledge? I agree it's rather sad to see such an over-the-top presentation in Quanta. Every magazine and newspaper leaves a stinker occasionally. Retrieved 6 November Magazine makes a misstep and then someone goes into a rant on how it "Magazine died" Seems like it went much more clickbait than the original article.

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