Quran quotes on love

Posted by Ahmed Abdulla Quotes. No religion encourages showing affection, mutual love, and intimacy like Islam. Love in Islam is all encompassing, it promotes healthy and halal relationship between men and women, towards family, friends, and to your neighbor.

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam. It is a collection of chapters or surahs of different lengths and each surah is further subdivided into lines, or verses, which are called ayahs. The Quran offers guidance on all aspects of life, including faith, economics, ethics, social obligations, and everything in between for all humans, especially Muslims. This quote from the Quran about hope reminds us that losing hope and giving in to sadness is not the solution. It acknowledges the inevitable challenges we face but emphasizes the importance of resilience and a steadfast spirit. And to accomplish that, we need a balanced emotional approach in which acknowledging difficulties is combined with an active effort to overcome them.

Quran quotes on love

By ummah. November 20, In the heart of every culture and religion lies a treasure trove of wisdom about love and marriage. Islam, with its rich and profound heritage, offers a unique perspective on these aspects of life through the Quran. The holy text of Islam is not just a guide for spiritual and moral conduct but also a source of inspiration and guidance for love, companionship, and matrimonial harmony. This article explores the verses of the Quran that speak about love and marriage , offering a window into the beauty and depth of Islamic teachings. Whether you are a Muslim seeking to deepen your understanding or a non-Muslim curious about the Islamic perspective, these verses offer universal insights into the nature of human relationships. Click the surah name under each quoted ayah to read the entire surah or listen to the audio. We have the whole Quran available to read and listen here at ummah. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect. This verse beautifully encapsulates the essence of marriage in Islam — it is a divine sign, a source of tranquility, and a union marked by love and mercy. It reminds us that our partners are not just companions but blessings from God, meant to bring peace and affection into our lives. This verse is a profound reminder that our partners are more than just fellow travelers in life; they are the tranquil shores to our turbulent seas, a haven of peace and affection. Imagine your relationship as a garden; love is the water, mercy the sunshine — together, they nurture a sanctuary of peace, a place where souls can truly find rest in each other. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs.

And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues therein. So, regardless of the mistakes you may have made, there is always the opportunity for forgiveness and compassion, quran quotes on love.

The Holy Quran stands as a constant reminder to us all on the power of devotion and faith towards Allah, which is often represented through our deep love for God. To help rekindle, reaffirm, or find God and your love for Allah, here are five verses from the Holy Quran on the power and strength of love in faith:. Here the Quran helps us understand the innate human need for companionship — we are, after all, social beings who do need affection and love. Thus, within the folds of Islam, the Quran encourages us to find a companion and spouse, who can, in turn, help us understand the importance and joy in sharing affection and mercy between two people. By equating all believers as brothers or family, the Holy Quran sets another reminder for us all that we must love one another as part of a broader family of humankind. Love should not be limited to romantic love or spousal love and should instead be utilized to help build a society of merciful and respectful brothers and sisters.

From it we learn about how to live our lives and stories about our predecessors. There are many ahadith about loving one another for the sake of Allah and addition we should also love our creator as without him we would not even exist. We take a look at some Quran verses about Love. Allah does not love this and that and so forth. Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Allah does not like transgressors. And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining].

Quran quotes on love

Love is a universal theme that transcends boundaries, and its significance is beautifully articulated in the Quran. The sacred text provides profound insights into various dimensions of love, encompassing compassion, kindness, and familial bonds, in this article on Arabian Tongue website we will explorer quranic verses about love. The Quran, as the holy book of Islam , consistently emphasizes the importance of love in a multitude of contexts. It goes beyond the conventional understanding of romantic love, encompassing a broader spectrum of human relationships.

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Read 3 things Prophet Muhammad s. He is concerned by your suffering, anxious for your well-being, and gracious and merciful to the believers. Surah Maryam, We make mistakes. Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love. Loss of Fruits: Beyond literal fruits, this can also mean losing the positive results of our efforts, like the results of hard work or rewards. In other words, we have time to find the truth and do good deeds before death robs us of that opportunity. Get help. Surah An-Naml, Below are all Quranic verses that refer to love in order as shown in the Quran, not in order of revelation. This is a powerful notion because it upholds the principle of individual autonomy, allowing each person to follow their own spiritual path without external influence.

The Quran speaks about love in several different contexts. Below are all Quranic verses that refer to love in order as shown in the Quran, not in order of revelation. Surah Al-Fatiha,

Share your reflection below! Here the Holy Quran reminds us of two things: first, we were made different to be tested in numerous other ways, and second, in the end, we will all be returned to Allah together despite whatever differences we may have had during our lifetimes here on earth. Read our Annual Report. Once you make a decision, put your trust in Allah. We show kindness. Admin - Art of Poets I'm a former writer with a bachelor's degree in English literature. Surah Al-Hujurat, No woman can fulfill her duty towards Allah until she fulfills her duty towards her husband. And [you will obtain] another [favor] that you love — victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers. And whoever is patient and forgives — indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of resolve. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

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