red hulk origin

Red hulk origin

General Thaddeus E. A jingoistic war hawkRoss is portrayed as the military head of the gamma bomb project that turned Banner into the Hulk.

In the long history of the Incredible Hulk we've seen numerous different versions of the character. From the original, bestial green-skinned hero to the grey-hued Mr. Fixit and the bespectacled Professor Hulk, readers have met many different Hulks. Throw in his cousin She-Hulk, his son Skaar, and his future self Maestro, and there's a veritable universe of Hulks out there. But in the s came an all-new, all-different Hulk that quickly became a mainstay in the Marvel Universe: the Red Hulk.

Red hulk origin

General Thaddeus E. As a boy, Thaddeus Ross immersed himself in the study of military history. He then attended the United States Military Academy, and did well when he graduated. His first duty station was stateside under the command of Captain Lee, an officer in the Army Air Corps. Ross had regarded Captain Lee well as a leader, and his respect was cemented when he fell in love with and eventually married Karen Lee , his daughter. During World War II ; Ross rapidly rose in rank and was a captain when he went to fight overseas in the Pacific theater of operations. It was during the war that Ross made his great reputation as a leader in combat. His troops during the war in the Pacific gave him the nickname "Thunderbolt," since, they said he "struck like a thunderbolt" when leading them into action. By the end of his service, Ross had become a major. Air Force. Reed Richards wrote a paper showing the need to defend the country and the planet so the U.

It was here that he met nuclear physicist Brian Bannerthe father of Robert Bruce Banner, with whom Ross would red hulk origin years later. Hulkvol. Ross could even go on to become a leading member of the Thunderbolts in their future appearances, as he did for a time in the comics.

His size is estimated to be the same as the green Hulk. He carries a S. We know that he either works for S. D or the army because he uses their gun and when he accidentally passed through an eye scan, the security robot says "Scan complete. Subjects I. D confirmed as The only people that know his secret are Rick Jones and General Ross.

Ross, depending on the specific interpretation of the character on the page or screen, is normally portrayed as three things: a high-ranking military officer or government official, the father of Bruce Banner's greatest love Betty Ross, and often the reluctant father-in-law of Banner as a result. Ross and Banner's relationship is rarely a friendly one, and is most commonly outright antagonistic. Usually head of the project that resulted in the Incredible Hulk emerging from inside Banner, Ross sees the Hulk as a menace to both his country and loved ones. He wants nothing more than to neutralize the behemoth, and learning that Hulk and Banner share one body does absolutely nothing to dissuade his ongoing hunt for the big green smasher. Thunderbolt Ross is unlikely to ever win father-in-law of the year, but like many great villains, truly believes what he's doing is right, and for the best. Ross' quest to stop the Hulk reached a new level in a Marvel comic run, which saw the debut of Red Hulk, a crimson counterpart to Banner's inner beast. It was eventually revealed that Red Hulk's human identity was Ross, although oddly enough, Red Hulk did end up on the side of good before too long. It's yet to be teased that Ross, as played by William Hurt, will become Red Hulk in the MCU, but if he does, the explanation doesn't need to be very complex in order to make sense. Even without them though, the stage has already been set, should Marvel Studios want to transform Thunderbolt Ross into Red Hulk.

Red hulk origin

General Thaddeus E. A jingoistic war hawk , Ross is portrayed as the military head of the gamma bomb project that turned Banner into the Hulk. After the creation of the Hulk, Ross pursues the creature with a growing obsession, and, after learning that Banner and the Hulk are one and the same, Ross hunts Banner as well. His motivations vary between different iterations, from a petulant hatred of Banner himself, to a Captain Ahab -esque desire to defeat the Hulk in combat, and sometimes even more villainous motivations such as hoping to harness the Hulk's abilities and create similar bioweapons for use by the US government. In , Ross was transformed into the Red Hulk to better combat his nemesis, though this instead led him to become more sympathetic towards Banner and eventually become a superhero , serving time as a member of the Avengers and forming his own Thunderbolts team. The character has been merchandized in various products, such as toys and statues, and appeared in numerous media adaptations, including animated television series, video games, and live-action feature films. His character origin was revealed in The Incredible Hulk

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Ross contended that he could not be certain whether or not Banner could control his actions as the Hulk, and that hence Banner might be an intentional menace to national security. Falcon Peggy Carter Sharon Carter. The mutant rendered Bruce Banner unconscious without draining him of all his life energy, and then headed towards Betty. Sure, the Red Hulk is super-strong and boasts an accelerated healing power, slowed aging, superhuman stamina, speed, and durability — just like the Hulk. He can augment it by absorbing radiation. This had been Uatu's plan all along, and by exploiting loopholes he had broken none of the Watchers' non-intervention rules. General Ross, now in command of Desert Base , New Mexico , a missile base and nuclear research site, believed appropriately that it was not the right place to raise a young girl and had her enrolled in a boarding school far away. Hulk Wiki Explore. Getting caught up with comic book characters is still a hard feat, especially when there are multiple names behind the mantle. This power was transferred to Shah, transforming him and giving him an understanding of Rigellian technology. Fans continued debating their theories of Red Hulk's true identity after his first appearance in , but it would be two years before readers got any concrete answers. At the same time, the Red Hulk had been sent into space to deal with a threat. Stan Lee Jack Kirby. Uatu arrived to observe the event.

His size is estimated to be the same as the green Hulk. He carries a S.

May 8, Hermes J. Avengers: Secret Wars Release Date: The Red Hulk first appeared in Hulk vol. Thor then also returned, stated his anger, and promptly defeated Red Hulk in a few blows. Real name:. Energy Absorption: Red Hulk is capable of absorbing energy. Here's a primer on the best stories to see the Red Hulk in all his burning action. Marvel Fireside Books Sgt. I was General Thunderbolt Ross.

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