robert baratheon

Robert baratheon

Apesar de um ser um rei popular dentre o povo, Robert deixou o reino financeiramente falido. Na sua juventude, ele foi descrito robert baratheon alto, devido seus quase 2 metros de altura, robert baratheon, de olhos claros, ombros largos e musculoso como a fantasia de qualquer donzela. Ele mantinha a barba bem cortada. No entanto, depois de ganhar a coroa, seu peso aumentou muito por causa de todas as festa e da bebida excessiva, acabando por ganhar cinquenta quilos.

Por outro lado, Robert teve muitos bastardos de outras mulheres, incluindo Gendry e Barra. Seus pais morreram na juventude quando seu navio foi apanhado em uma tempestade; Robert, que estava em Ponta Tempestade com Stannis, testemunhou quando o navio de seus pais que estava retornando de Essos acabou se chocando com as rochas. Ele herdou o senhorio e foi criado por Jon Arryn, o chefe da casa Arryn, outra grande casa. Contudo, Lyanna foi supostamente sequestrada por Rhaegar Targaryen. Lyanna e Aerys morreram durante a guerra civil que se seguiu. Renly mais tarde se juntou ao pequeno conselho como Mestre das Leis.

Robert baratheon

Robert, a great warrior and charismatic man in his youth, took the throne through conquest in the war known as Robert's Rebellion , which began when the Prince of Dragonstone , Rhaegar Targaryen , allegedly abducted Robert's betrothed, Lyanna Stark. Killing Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident , his climactic duel turned the tides of the war in his favor. After the war and following Lyanna's death, Robert married Cersei Lannister to cement an alliance with House Lannister to hold the kingdoms together, but he mistreated her and the marriage was loveless. Robert also had two younger brothers, Stannis and Renly. He and Cersei had three children: Joffrey , Myrcella , and Tommen. However, unbeknownst to Robert and most of the realm, all three were actually fathered by Cersei's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. On the other hand, Robert had many bastards from other women, including Gendry and Barra. Robert was the first son of Steffon Baratheon and Cassana Baratheon , and had two younger brothers, Renly and Stannis. His parents died in his youth when their ship was caught in a storm; Robert, standing on the walls of Storm's End with Stannis, witnessed his parents ship that was returning from Essos break up on the rocks. Robert was betrothed to Lyanna Stark , Eddard's sister. At the time of their betrothal, Robert beat Richard Lonmouth during the tourney at Harrenhal.

Edric Storm [d].

Martin , and its television adaptation Game of Thrones , where he is portrayed by English actor Mark Addy. After crushing the Targaryen dynasty and winning the war, during which Lyanna died, Robert took the Iron Throne. He married Tywin Lannister 's daughter Cersei to ensure political stability. Although Robert's reign is relatively peaceful, he proves to be an ineffective ruler. He is unhappy in both his marriage to Cersei, whom he abuses, and his responsibilities as king, and lives a life of infidelity and wanton excess. He fathers many bastards , and is unaware that his three children with Cersei had been fathered by her twin brother Jaime Lannister.

Robert, a great warrior and charismatic man in his youth, took the throne through conquest in the war known as Robert's Rebellion , which began when the Prince of Dragonstone , Rhaegar Targaryen , allegedly abducted Robert's betrothed, Lyanna Stark. Killing Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident , his climactic duel turned the tides of the war in his favor. After the war and following Lyanna's death, Robert married Cersei Lannister to cement an alliance with House Lannister to hold the kingdoms together, but he mistreated her and the marriage was loveless. Robert also had two younger brothers, Stannis and Renly. He and Cersei had three children: Joffrey , Myrcella , and Tommen. However, unbeknownst to Robert and most of the realm, all three were actually fathered by Cersei's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. On the other hand, Robert had many bastards from other women, including Gendry and Barra. Robert was the first son of Steffon Baratheon and Cassana Baratheon , and had two younger brothers, Renly and Stannis.

Robert baratheon

What caused and what transpired during Robert's Rebellion in Game of Thrones? The main story of George R. Robert Baratheon is king when Game of Thrones begins, but he's soon disposed of and a power vacuum is created, triggering The War of the Five Kings. Robert's brothers and allies clash with his incestuous, scheming former allies, House Lannister, while those with a less legitimate claim to power operate in the shadows. From across the sea comes Daenerys Targaryen - a descendant of the very house Robert rebelled against on his path to becoming king. It's generally accepted that the death of Jon Arryn is the spark that signals the beginning of the Game of Thrones.

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Mark Addy plays Robert Baratheon in the television adaption of the book series. He is unhappy in both his marriage to Cersei, whom he abuses, and his responsibilities as king, and lives a life of infidelity and wanton excess. After initial greetings, Robert demands to see the crypts and pay his respects, stoking Cersei's impatience. He fathers many bastards , and is unaware that his three children with Cersei had been fathered by her twin brother Jaime Lannister. Back in our day, you weren't a real man until you'd fucked one girl from each of the Seven Kingdoms and the Riverlands. The Hollywood Reporter. He didn't love me. He died under mysterious circumstances shortly after beginning his investigation. Article Talk. Tommen [a] [g] —.

Roughly sixteen years have passed since Robert's Rebellion, i. Robert I is promiscuous, and sires numerous illegitimate children, while his late Hand, Jon Arryn did his best to keep him grounded.

She ended up having him killed. Nunca o venci em nada". Please help improve the article by adding more real-world context. Rhaelle Targaryen [a]. You were the brother I chose. Current Wiki. After Robert's death, Eddard loses the political struggle against the Lannisters and is later publicly executed by beheading. Robert had a tendency for being cruel or harsh towards Jaime Lannister , referring to him personally as Kingslayer even though it was Aerys Jaime had killed, enabling Robert to take the throne and laughingly mocking his status as Tywin Lannister's son forced to guard his extravagant king. Robert and Cersei at the tourney. Daenerys firmly accuses Varys of disloyalty to her, by hiring assassins to kill her during her pregnancy on Robert's order. The Wolf and the Lion. Nerdist Industries. This article has multiple issues. Casa Baratheon de Porto Real. Production Tales of Dunk and Egg.

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