ronaldo cold pics

Ronaldo cold pics

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Soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo shared a seemingly normal photo to his Instagram stories. Cristiano Ronaldo was on vacation with his family on a secluded island when he decided to share a few photos with his fans on Instagram. One photo in particular, captioned with «Recharging,» shows him lying down with his bare feet by a pool. A fan took to X formerly known as Twitter to express worry over the fact that his feet seemed to be deformed. In , then a Liverpool player, Lallana showed the not-so-glamorous side of being a professional soccer player. He came on as a substitute around the 70 th minute and so only played for about 20 minutes. Jokingly, he turned to Instagram to ask for «Any suggestions for defrosting feet,» and ended up leaving people stunned at the toll his feet had taken.

Ronaldo cold pics


Training, football. No merchandising.


Four-hundred-and-fifty-one goals. Forty-four hat-tricks. Barely minutes after the Champions League final, before the trophy had been handed over, Cristiano Ronaldo said that it had been — past tense — nice being at Madrid. But he had not, not like this, and in the end it did. The announcement was made at 5. That is a lot of numbers, and there are many more. Sometimes it can feel as if that is all there is. These are not, it appears, days for poetry, which is a pity. If a picture paints a thousand words — and the sports daily AS marked the occasion by leading on one last photo of Ronaldo topless, this time from the Greek island where the deal was closed — then it sometimes seems numbers make them obsolete.

Ronaldo cold pics

Has there been a bigger sporting story in than Cristiano Ronaldo's return to Manchester United? The Portuguese superstar's move from Juventus to the Reds in late August caught everyone by surprise but he hasn't disappointed so far, scoring 13 goals in 18 games. United photographer Ash Donelon has had a privileged view of Cristiano's homecoming, from snapping our no. So, we thought we'd ask Ash to pick out seven of course! Delve into the gallery below to see the photos he has chosen and scroll further down for the story behind each, directly from Mr Donelon…. When he walked down the tunnel and on to the pitch, even though the stands were empty, I could hear the crowd cheering in my head. One of the reasons Cristiano has enjoyed such a long and distinguished career is that he truly loves what he does, and when you see him smiling in his first training session since his return, you could tell the passion still burns brightly. When he executed a delightful trademark stepover a few minutes into his first game back, it was clear for all to see that he still had what it takes. When Bruno launched an aerial ball towards the Tottenham penalty area, Cristiano had to be ready to connect with it, and I had to be ready to capture the moment too. The upside of all this is that you genuinely feel like you are part of the action.

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Download Cancel. Editorial use only. Cristiano Ronaldo was on vacation with his family on a secluded island when he decided to share a few photos with his fans on Instagram. Without these words. People 7 months ago. Lee Novak, Huddersfield Town. Single image, trimmed single motif, half figure, half figure. Exact phrase. Filter Cancel. Check out her photos here. Wednesday 5th December Bognor Regis Town Football Club.

Football megastar Cristiano Ronaldo is no stranger to the camera! We have a huge selection of premium Ronaldo photos and prints for you to choose from.

Philipp Hofmann KSC breathes and breathes out during training in the cold. Top-tier footballers, often featured in major boot advertisements like Ronaldo himself, enjoy the luxury of having their boots custom-designed to fit their precise requirements. Bognor Regis Town Football Club. Football, children, soccer, ball, sport, game, boy, playing, fun, people, young, child, play, happy, kids, activity, player, outdoors, childhood games on the seafront promenade. BL: Editorial use only. Filter Cancel. People month ago. However, that in no way means it decreases their chances of getting injured or developing long-term medical issues. People 7 months ago. A new sporting event to celebrate the lifes of Brian Clough and Peter Taylor who achieved great footballing status with Nottingham Forest and Derby county in the 70's and 80's.

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