Roy batman

Roy Raymond is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by DC Comics, roy batman. He was introduced in "Impossible

He is a member of Team Arrow and a former member of the Titans and the Outlaws. Roy Harper was adopted by Big Bow as a child and lived with him on Spokane Indian Reservation, learning how to shoot a bow and arrow from him. He often got into trouble with the police but, because it usually happened on the reservation, Big Bow was always able to get him out of trouble. One day, Roy stole from a liquor store off the reservation and got blackout drunk, waking up to find a bow in his hand and Big Bow dead. Not knowing his mentor had been killed by an aggressive police officer, Roy fled the reservation. Roy as Speedy, with Green Arrow.

Roy batman

Roy is one of DC's most longstanding characters, originating in s comics as Speedy , the teen sidekick of the superhero Green Arrow. Like his mentor Green Arrow, Roy is a world-class archer and athlete who uses his exceptional marksmanship to fight crime. Along with other prominent DC Comics superhero sidekicks, he goes on to become a core member of the superhero group the Teen Titans. As an adult, Roy casts off his Speedy identity to establish himself as the superhero Arsenal , and later takes on the name Red Arrow to symbolise his coming-of-age and having become an equal of Green Arrow as he joins the Justice League. In addition to continuing to serve on occasion as one of the Titans, Roy has had leading roles in the superhero groups the Seven Soldiers of Victory , the Outsiders , Checkmate , the Justice League , and the Outlaws. He was the subject of the award-winning comic book story " Snowbirds Don't Fly ", which was celebrated for its gritty depiction of Roy's battle with drug addiction; the story is considered a key moment in comic book history as it represented the emergence of mature themes in comics. The character first appeared as Green Arrow 's teenage sidekick Speedy , a name by which he was known for over fifty years, in More Fun Comics 73 November and was created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp. As an infant, Roy was raised by his father, Roy Harper Sr. The fate of his birth mother is unknown, something that Roy has questioned his entire life, not sure whether she left them or died. When his father died in a forest fire when Roy was a baby, he was rescued by a man named Brave Bow, a Navajo medicine chief. Brave Bow took Roy into his tribe and raised him as his own son, telling him about how his birth father saved him, which made Roy grow up seeing him as a hero. Under Brave Bow's tutelage, Roy trained in archery, becoming remarkable at a very young age and a champion in several events. Roy began learning about the superhero Green Arrow Oliver Queen and started idolizing him, seeing him as a hero alongside his father and Brave Bow. When Brave Bow learned of an illness that would lead to his death, he contacted Green Arrow, asking him to take Roy in and raise him after his death.

The Outlaws attempted to protect Mr. Speedy Roy batman 21 New Frontier, roy batman. With some help and technology acquired from Steve Dayton whose mansion the Titans have been using as an HQRoy built new gear and a new costume, now officially calling himself Arsenal.

He is a highly trained weapons expert and martial artist, specializing in archery. Roy grew up on a Navajo reservation where he learned to shoot, after his father died in an accident. Originally he was the sidekick of Green Arrow , but quit over personal issues, and had a long struggle against a heroin addiction. Later on he would become a government agent for many years, although as an adult he would return to being a superhero. His brief relationship with the super-villain Cheshire made him the father of a young girl named Lian Harper. DC Database Explore. DC Comics.

He is a member of Team Arrow and a former member of the Titans and the Outlaws. Roy Harper was adopted by Big Bow as a child and lived with him on Spokane Indian Reservation, learning how to shoot a bow and arrow from him. He often got into trouble with the police but, because it usually happened on the reservation, Big Bow was always able to get him out of trouble. One day, Roy stole from a liquor store off the reservation and got blackout drunk, waking up to find a bow in his hand and Big Bow dead. Not knowing his mentor had been killed by an aggressive police officer, Roy fled the reservation. Roy as Speedy, with Green Arrow. Roy somehow made it to Seattle, where he lived in a mall by hacking the camera feeds. It was at this mall he picked the pocket of Oliver Queen , who, when he came to get the wallet back, was intrigued by the strange boy, later taking him on as his sidekick and dubbing him " Speedy ".

Roy batman

While this new series sees the DC universe grappling with a reborn multiverse and the greater omniverse, characters have also returned in its wake after DC's Death Metal. As such, the resurrection of Roy Harper seems to have come with a major change to his personal status quo now that he's back among the land of the living, gaining new powers he didn't know he had and can't seem to control at least not yet. However, the new Infinite Frontier era of DC Comics has revealed that Roy was seemingly back for good, though keeping a low profile and choosing to keep his return secret for the time being.

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This template will categorize articles that include it into the " Titans members " category. This template will categorize articles that include it into the " Justice League of America members " category. As Speedy, Roy joined the original Teen Titans Robin , Wonder Girl , Aqualad , Kid Flash , and Omen and worked with them for a while; eventually he and his friends would have their memories of the team erased following an encounter with Mr. Freeze was saved, the Talon was stopped, and the Night of the Owls concluded with minimal casualties. Justice League characters. Current Wiki. Fantasy Horror Sci-fi DC. Art by Gene Ha. Discovering that Amanda Waller was behind it, Roy and Dinah tracked Peacemaker demanded to know where Waller is, which Peacemaker refused to discuss. In the future, Barry Allen and Mister Terrific had determined a way to pull Wally and Savitar into the future where they could fight him with the full force of the Justice League , but the consequence would be collapsing the temporal bubble, meaning time would resume and Roy would die. Roy and Cheshire argued about Cheshire's decision to keep the fact that Lian was alive from him and almost came to blows when Cheshire blamed Roy for Lian "dying" in the first place. Roy somehow made it to Seattle, where he lived in a mall by hacking the camera feeds. DK Publishing. TV Series reboot. In order to cope with the the physical wear and tear and resulting chronic pain of life as a superhero, Roy began abusing prescription painkillers.

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For the next year, Roy worked solo for the most part. When Roy woke up, he was devastated, separating himself from everyone as he grew an addiction to pain medications, before falling into a new drug, which caused him to hallucinate ghosts. After being rescued by Superman, he resumed his television career at Metropolis ' Galaxy Broadcasting, which at the time was also the employer of Clark Kent. Raymond Jr. DC Comics. Roy and Jason's friendship would also become one of his. However, writer Denny O'Neil and artist Neal Adams collaborated on an unforgettable two-part arc that brought the issue directly into Green Arrow's home, and demonstrated the power comics had to affect change and perception. However, there was an incident at the center, and Roy was accidentally killed [20] along with all the other heroes inside the facility at the time due to an uncontained Speed Force explosion. He was scheduled to have lunch with Oliver and Dinah , though it didn't go as planned. Roy's struggles with substance abuse were compounded following the death of the second Robin , who he briefly befriended beforehand. He bought a house in Star City, to give Lian more room as she grew up, and even began giving her archery lessons, realizing that one day, she would probably want to take on the family legacy herself. When the Extremists attack the city, he dons his Arsenal costume and helps his former teammates from the Teen Titans fight off the villains. With the help and encouragement of Nightwing, Roy found it in himself to believe in his abilities once more, and to get back out there and face his fears.

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