russian blue cat kitten

Russian blue cat kitten

The head is a wedge shape but the wide cheekbones give the Russian Blue an open, smiling face framed with large flared ears. Russian blue cat kitten and long and lean with neat, small, oval shaped paws. Russian Blues are famous for their dense, thick and plush coat. The Russian Blue is an engaging and elegant companion.

As their name implies, Russian Blue cats hail from Russia and have blue-colored coats. Modern-day Russian Blues very closely resemble other cat breeds like the British Shorthair, the Chartreux of France and the Korat of Thailand, but they have their own unique characteristics when it comes to their appearance, personality and health. Russian Blue cats are an older, naturally occurring breed, meaning they were not manmade like Toyger cats. The Spruce says that the Russian Blues are believed to have originated on Archangel Arkhangelsk Island in northern Russia, which is why they were once referred to as Archangel cats. Just as the ancient Egyptians worshipped tuxedo cats , Russian Blues were favored by royals and Russian czars.

Russian blue cat kitten


Find a Store. Healthy adult Russian Blue cats should weigh between seven and 15 pounds, with males weighing more than females. Nutrition and Feeding.


The Russian blue cat is a loyal, intelligent breed with a striking coat that inspired the name. This cat's short, dense hair is uniformly steel blue with an almost silvery cast, making it one of the most distinctive and beautiful cats in the world. Russian blues enjoy interacting and playing with their owners, but they can have an aloof quality that makes them less suitable for homes with rambunctious children or pets. Mellow dogs and gentle children are much preferred by this independent breed. Read on to learn more about the stunning Russian blue cat breed.

Russian blue cat kitten

The Russian blue cat appears to be larger than she is because of her extremely dense, soft double coat. She may be a good choice for pet parents with allergies because she doesn't shed much and produces lower levels of the glycoprotein Fel d 1, a known allergen, than other cat breeds. In this article. The Russian blue is a sweet-tempered, loyal cat who will follow her owner everywhere, so don't be surprised if she greets you at the front door! While she has a tendency to attach to one pet parent in particular, she demonstrates affection with her whole family and demands it in return. It's said that Russian blues train their owners rather than the owners training them, a legend that's been proven true time and again.

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However, the ASPCA says that they do have a higher risk of developing bladder stone and urinary tract issues. The head is a wedge shape but the wide cheekbones give the Russian Blue an open, smiling face framed with large flared ears. There are no widely recognised health problems in the Russian Blue cat breed. The Russian Blue is well equipped to cope with life as a cat who has access to outdoors, however they are attractive and striking in appearance and unsupervised access to an insecure garden is a theft risk. The same can be said for their relationship with other animals — Responsible pet owners will take the time to properly introduce new pets to their resident pets to create harmonious living conditions for all pets and people in the household. If there are true allergies that can impact the welfare of the people in your household — perhaps a stuffed animal is best. Cattime says Russian Blue cats are known for being well-behaved, gentle and quiet. Find a Store. Once a Russian Blue has assessed you and approved you, they are extremely affectionate and will expect you to meet their every need and desire! They are loyal to and enjoy the company of their humans, but they may be shy and reserved around new people. Join 8, owners subscribed to our free newsletters. Weight Range Healthy adult Russian Blue cats should weigh between seven and 15 pounds, with males weighing more than females. The need-to-know. Vet Rating.

Hello there! This regal breed is far more than just a beautiful face. With its bluish-silver coat and striking green eyes, owning a Russian Blue is like having a live work of art in your home.

They have a signature upturn in the corners of their mouth, giving them a permanent Mona Lisa-like smile. Exclusive discounts and offers. Writing was a way to process and heal from his injury — but Jim realized he could also use this skill to spread awareness of the RAWZ brand and mission. Outdoors or Indoors. Q: Do Russian Blue cats get along with children and other pets? However, the ASPCA says that they do have a higher risk of developing bladder stone and urinary tract issues. They love playing fetch, climbing and exploring new areas, so much so that the ASPCA recommends blocking off any small spaces in your home that could be dangerous for a curious cat. After sustaining a traumatic brain injury in , Jim began participating in the writing program at the Krempels Center in Portsmouth, NH. Once they were in Europe, the development of the breed really took off, primarily in Great Britain and Scandinavia where showing and breeding cats was popular. Their dense coats can also make a Russian Blue appear larger than they really are.

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