sand people star wars

Sand people star wars

Jawas are meter-tall humanoids completely hidden behind rough, hand-woven robes.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Tusken Raiders , less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens , were a culture of nomadic sentients indigenous to the desert planet Tatooine , where they were often hostile to local settlers. Tusken children were called Uli-ah. The name of Tusken Raiders was acquired much later, due to a period of concerted attacks on the settlement called Fort Tusken around eight decades before 19 BBY.

Sand people star wars

The original Star Wars is an undisputed classic that immediately changed the world of blockbuster cinema. It looks a bit quaint, with eight more movies in the series now. Every minor detail of the story has become a bit of crucial lore to the fans. The Sand People of Tatooine weren't very important to the original story, but they're part of the story now. Once upon a time, the Star Wars franchise could introduce an alien species or a unique character without the need to expound upon their entire evolutionary chain. The scene in the Mos Eisley Cantina made the audience feel that every background extra was a person with a full life. Now the fans can look up every detail of that life through their preferred encyclopedia. The inhospitable desert planet on which Anakin and Luke were born wasn't always populated by traditional human beings. They're broadly humanoid, but heavy clothing always obscures their form. They've lived on Tatooine for untold ages and tend to be hostile toward the settlers.

The vengeful Anakin proceeded to slaughter every nearby Tusken. Now the fans can look up every detail of that life through their preferred encyclopedia. Tusken Raider concept art by Ralph McQuarrie.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. This article needs appropriate citations. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Remove this notice when finished. Tusken Raiders , less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens , were a culture of nomadic, primitive sentients indigenous to Tatooine , where they were often hostile to local settlers.

Introduced in the first Star Wars film, the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine remain mysterious to the present day, but their secrets are gradually being revealed. When George Lucas created the first Star Wars film, one thing that stood out was the depth of its world-building. The first act spent a great deal of time on Tatooine, described by Luke Skywalker as the planet farthest from the galaxy's bright center, and fleshed it out in remarkable depth. However, no Star Wars movie or TV show has shown a Tusken Raider's face, and many viewers still want to know what they look like behind their masks. Clearly dangerous, these desert tribesmen threatened Luke but were driven off when Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened and issued a cry mimicking that of a Krayt Dragon as seen in Mandalorian season 2. The Tuskens evolved on Tatooine, and it's reasonable to assume their heavy clothing and distinctive masks were originally something of a survival mechanism, a way of enduring the changing climate, especially given that Tatooine's oceans vanished. Their garb has become as much ceremonial as practical over the millennia, and like Mandalorians, it is forbidden for an unmasked Tusken Raider to be seen by anyone except in private circumstances, such as when with their significant others. Although Tusken Raiders without masks or goggles have been glimpsed in the old Expanded Universe, notably in the video game Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II , these were erased from canon when Disney acquired Lucasfilm in These unmasked Tusken Raiders had a gray-furred, feline appearance. This fits well with accounts that the Tuskens and Jawas are evolutionary cousins, with the Jawas described as rodent-like in Legends a trait introduced to canon during The Book of Boba Fett.

Sand people star wars

Tusken Raiders commonly referred to as Sand People are native creatures who inhabit the deserts of Tatooine in the Star Wars franchise. Tuskens don't like trespassers going into their territories, and are aggressive warriors. They wield primitive slug-thrower rifles and use gaderffii staffs as their primary melee weapons, increasing their lethality by dipping them in sandbat venom. Tuskens also had a unique and sacred bond with Banthas; this bond was such that when Tuskens died, their Banthas would often kill themselves out of grief. Tuskens went through rites of passage at the age of 15, when they would set out to slay a Krayt Dragon and take its dragon pearls to become an accepted member of the tribe. Water is especially sacred to Tusken Raiders, and many Tuskens believe moisture farming is akin to sacrilege due to their believe that the water is rightfully theirs, leading them into constant conflict with moisture farmers. Tuskens were also very superstitious. Every Tusken Raider, regardless of tribe, gender, or beliefs, always kept a promise.

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Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. However, A'Sharad Hett's claim that he learned of the Tusken-Human incompatibility, combined with his firsthand knowledge of the Tuskens, is compelling evidence that they were a different species. Every minor detail of the story has become a bit of crucial lore to the fans. In each tribe, a small number of individuals would be trained from birth to become Storytellers, orally learning the tales of their ancestry with perfect accuracy. At the age of 15, a Tusken became an adult, and the boys had to slay a krayt dragon and cut out the precious pearl found in its stomach [5] to gain their adult role in their tribe. In the Season 1 episode " Chapter 5: The Gunslinger ", Din Djarin comes across a small group of Raiders while travelling through their land, in search of a bounty. They can't speak the main language of the universe, and their main mode of communication is sign language. The Tuskens used a gekko that crawled inside Fett's body, giving him a vision and making him walk in the desert, until he came across a Wortwood tree , from which he broke a branch to forge his own gaderffii stick in a Gaderffii stick workshop. Sand People were also recognizable by their fierce gaderffii weapons. Humans have been fascinated with masked characters since the days of Ancient Greek theatre. Jawas are native to Tatooine , where settlers have long speculated about their biology and origins.

The original Star Wars trilogy presented the Tuskens as dangerous barbarians rather than a civilized group of people. Mando explains how the Tusken Raiders are native to Tatooine and are a colonized people that have had their lands overtaken by human settlements.

At first, the new colonists seem to have been unaware of the Sand People, but a series of attacks between 98 and 95 BBY forced the abandonment of Fort Tusken, and from that point on, the Human settlers of Tatooine referred to the natives as "Tusken Raiders. He was depicted as a vengeful ghost or desert demon, and the Tuskens made ritual sacrifices to ward him off, putting stolen artwork and other valuables—even Human sacrifices, such as Kitster Banai —in the place where the tribe was murdered. Remove this notice when finished. They are brutal. Along with Ewoks and Vulptereens , Tusken Raiders are among the species without the mental aptitude necessary to become Jedi. In fact, the Sand People were one of the slave races used in construction of the Star Forge by the Rakatans. In the Season 1 episode " Chapter 5: The Gunslinger ", Din Djarin comes across a small group of Raiders while travelling through their land, in search of a bounty. The Tuskens allowed this, in exchange for the rookie bounty hunter's binoculars , which Djarin willingly gave to them in spite of Calican's objection. The bombardment slagged the surface of Tatooine into little more than fused glass, which eventually crumbled into desert sand. The Tusken believe themselves to be a part of the land and regard anything that might separate them from it as sacrilege. Although Tusken garb varied from tribe to tribe, certain aspects of dress remained constant. The Tuskens had superstitions about various landmarks on Tatooine. The Book of Boba Fett explored Tusken culture in more depth than ever before but stopped short of unmasking them, which was a wise decision.

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