

News entertainment Park Seoham debuts stylish new profile pictures post discharge from military. Deepika Padukone Baby News, seoham.

This is his third name following the change of Park Gyeong-bok to Park Seung-jun. On September 30, , it was announced that he has decided to leave KNK and Entertainment after long discussions with the members regarding the future of his career. On January 12, , Park confirmed as the lead actor in the live series adaption of Semantic Error , based from a popular South Korean BL web novel of the same name. On March 7, , Npio Entertainment announced they signed an exclusive contract with Park ahead of his military enlistment. On March 4, , Sports Chosun released an interview with Park where they revealed that he would fulfill his mandatory military service as a social worker on March Contents move to sidebar hide.



January 23, Archived from the original on June 14,


Park Seoham Facts: — He has one younger brother. After in-depth discussions with Entertainment, it was decided that his exclusive contract would be ended. He plans to further his own career. Someone to raise me. Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. Thank you. Special thanks to: Saba, Moonveil.


This is his third name following the change of Park Gyeong-bok to Park Seung-jun. On September 30, , it was announced that he has decided to leave KNK and Entertainment after long discussions with the members regarding the future of his career. On January 12, , Park confirmed as the lead actor in the live series adaption of Semantic Error , based from a popular South Korean BL web novel of the same name. On March 7, , Npio Entertainment announced they signed an exclusive contract with Park ahead of his military enlistment. On March 4, , Sports Chosun released an interview with Park where they revealed that he would fulfill his mandatory military service as a social worker on March Contents move to sidebar hide.

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Follow us on. The actor, who enlisted in March , showcased his new look through stunning images shared by his agency, npio Entertainment, on December Archived from the original on November 12, Tools Tools. Archived from the original on September 26, For reprint rights: Times Syndication Service. Retrieved July 19, — via Naver. Park Seoham reveals fresh profile pictures after completing his military service. Follow us. Children of the 20th Century.


March 18, Retrieved March 30, Archived from the original on July 9, Retrieved November 23, South Korean actor. Park Seoham debuts stylish new profile pictures post discharge from military etimes. Herald POP in Korean. Retrieved February 5, Retrieved July 6, — via Naver. Archived from the original on July 19, Surbhi Jyoti's top 15 bridal lehengas india.

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