sexmachine diy

Sexmachine diy

Fairly simple way to get fucked by using a windshield wiper motor from the junk sexmachine diy. Again the photos are of the first version, a friend built one much nicer inside a wooden case that looks great.

Hi everyone I have been looking at building a sex machine does any one have any ideas or plans. You could probably make a start with some sort of electric saw with the blade removed of course! I recall seeing some youtube videos of home made sex machines. Was searching something else so didn't click and can't guaruntee they are what you're looking for, but could help! I've never even considered it, but I don't have a very DIY attitude. In all honesty, even if I did build my own sex machine, I would never actually use it - I know myself well enough to know that nobody should ever trust my handiwork!

Sexmachine diy


Consider mounting the motor in horizontal position with the arm above instead. Install 2 Install 2.


You want a DIY fuck machine? You can do this by attaching a drill-length extension. You might need to trim the end of the extension till it fits. Use air tube connectors to fit the parts together. Use tape if necessary to help secure the various bits.

Sexmachine diy

How to identify the best designs. Or where to begin when tying up the components. Stick around and get to know how to make a fuck machine at home. Some items can easily be purchased at a nearby hardware store and put together yourself. For example, you can get a bigger motor if you want more power.

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The rotary motion on the crank causes the pivot arm to push and pull. Good luck and let us know what you come up with and what your OH has to say about it. Zg January 3, , pm 1. Dony Watss Dony Watss. Parts List: 1. See Figure 1. You can add your own twist as you wish. Slide bearings can be as simple as pipe inside another pipe or as complex as nylon bearings through which the pitman arm slides. Carousel Next. A wiper motor would need to run off a battery due to the relativley high amerage required that a normal transformer couldnt provide. This would make the finished box much smaller. Attach the motor mount on the side and bolt on the motor.

There are sex toys, and then there are sex machines.

A riciprocating saw would also be a powerful starting point. Da Vinci JR 1. Rod end bearings Ebay item about 4 bucks ea.. Home made machine Sex Toys. Evnovo 3d Printer Evnovo 3d Printer. The pitman rod or arm can be a pipe with the connecting rod bolted through the center. The center of the motor should be level with the center of the pitman rod. I am surrounding by things like this on a daily basis. Attach the motor mount on the side and bolt on the motor. Academic Documents. The pitman arm should have some sort of connection to your favorite attachment, dong or vagina. I've thought about it but too lazy! You could probably also use any other 12 battery or a 50 amp battery charger. The rotary motion on the crank causes the pivot arm to push and pull.

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