sexual health clinic dudley

Sexual health clinic dudley

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to!

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! Coseley 1. Tipton 1. Order an STI test. Request contraception through My Brook. We offer walk-ins during opening hours. For coils and implants you need to have a booked appointment.

Sexual health clinic dudley


This might mean visiting a Brook clinic, using an online service or accessing services from another provider.


Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! My Brook is our online platform that allows you to access our digital sexual health services including STI testing and results, contraception and appointments. Coming soon: Appointment booking. For now if you want to book an appointment, phone the clinic My Brook is our online platform that allows you to access our digital sexual health services including:. Anyone with a postcode that falls under Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council can create a My Brook account to access digital sexual health services. You can check which council s your postcode falls under on the gov. If you would like to provide feedback about the My Brook portal or our online services, please use our feedback form. If you have received a text message alerting you to view your results in My Brook but cannot see your test results there, please ring the service on If you no longer wish to use My Brook services, you can delete your account after logging in to My Brook.

Sexual health clinic dudley

Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! Free, confidential sexual health services for everyone in Dudley. Access contraception, STI testing, emergency contraception and more. Welcome to Brook Dudley!

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Follow us. Our friendly staff are here to help you, whatever is going on. Request a kit Live outside of Dudley? Tipton 1. The actual distances may vary. Search here e. Registered Charity in England and Wales, number I want to test for STIs. Join our mailing list to get regular email updates and info on what we're up to! I agree to receive personalised marketing emails from Brook. Request contraception online The morning after pill Free condoms. If you are above the age limit for your nearest Brook service, you can still search for sexual health services from the NHS or other providers using our Find a Service tool.

The building stands adjoining to the Dr. Please click here to view a map of where the SCCR is located. The SCCR is a new, state of the art facility which was opened in but is part of a much longer legacy.

I think I have symptoms of an STI. All services are free Brook services are completely free to use. Click here to see some frequently asked questions about Brook Services. Access contraception, STI testing, emergency contraception and more. Hours Open today am — pm. Search for a local test provider. Monday am — pm Tuesday am — pm Wednesday am — pm Thursday am — pm Friday am — pm Saturday am — pm Sunday Closed. About Brook. Brook visits Dudley colleges on a regular basis. If you are above the age limit for your nearest Brook service, you can still search for sexual health services from the NHS or other providers using our Find a Service tool. Follow us.

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