sixnine la fitness video

Sixnine la fitness video

By Hope Sloop and Adam S.

Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. The Brooklyn native took to Instagram on Monday to share a video where he demonstrates the challenge. We then see Tekashi being held by his arms and legs by two big guys, who swing him from side-to-side. A woman wearing a bikini is standing nearby, ready to jump over him. The first girl barely makes it over As the clip continues, we see the two men holding a woman, who 6ix9ine tries to jump over, but instead he falls on top of her. The rapper tries to jump over another woman and is successful.

Sixnine la fitness video

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Rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine was beaten up by a group of men inside a South Florida gym on March 22, according to his attorney. The musician, 26, sustained injuries that required him to be taken to hospital by ambulance, Lance Lazzaro has confirmed. Lazzaro, attorney for 6ix9ine—whose real name is Daniel Hernandez—told Newsweek that his client was using the sauna at a gym on Tuesday evening when he was attacked. Lazzaro told Newsweek that "employees" at the gym where the incident occurred "heard the disturbance and the perpetrators fled. Newsweek has contacted LA Fitness, where the attack reportedly happened, for comment via email. TMZ had previously reported in their coverage of the incident that "6ix9ine did not have security with him at the time of the attack. In April , "Gummo" hitmaker 6ix9ine was released early from jail due to fears over that his chronic asthma made him vulnerable to the coronavirus. The rapper had been serving time after pleading guilty to multiple counts of racketeering, firearms offenses and drug trafficking in relation to his involvement with the Nine Trey Bloods gang.

Sixnine la fitness video

Fans of Tekashi 6ix9ine have been scratching their heads as to why the rapper was without a security detail when he was assaulted at a Florida gym. The year-old— given name Daniel Hernandez— was training at a branch of the LA Fitness chain in south Florida when he was allegedly pounced upon by a group of people on Tuesday. His attorney, Lance Lazzaro , said that three to four men began to beat up his client both inside and outside of the gym's sauna. The lawyer added that the rapper "did not have security with him at the time of the attack. Lazzaro told Newsweek that 6ix9ine has suffered blood clots and fractured ribs.

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The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Archive footage shows Thomas Kingston arriving at royal engagements. The group walks toward the bathroom, even passing a man who looks up from his phone and turns his head at the group of ominous looking individuals. Robberies, assaults, drugs,' he said. Ex-Mormon woman shares how her sister couldn't come to her wedding. Andrew leads the way at royal memorial service alongside Fergie. Los Angeles Florida. Fears grow for missing year-old schoolgirl as police ask anyone who has seen her to ring Nearly a million Brits face being forced onto controversial smart meters as the BBC switches off longwave Legal documents state Viper held the woman captive around July with the intent to sexually abuse her. In a new shot she is unrecognizable hint: it's not a Kardashian. Tragedy of the nicest Royal couple: As inquest hears shotgun was found near body of Lady Gabriella Windsor's The exact reasoning for the attack remains unknown at this time. As a result, Anthony Ellison - one of his co-defendants - was sentenced to 24 years in prison. Manhunt for moped rider who opened fire on pub with a shotgun while being chased by police: Two suspects By taramhdvn.

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