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Provider of financial advisory services. Mutual life insurance company. It offers insurance, retirement, investment, and planning for businesses and individuals in the USA. Investment holding company. Prudent is an investment holding company which through its subsidiaries provides professional services in the area of personal and corporate investments. Provider of financial planning services. Multi-line insurance company.



Citadel Securities.


When we dream we usually dream big! A beach house, a BMW, or a piece of land in the moon? Saving is the first step toward wealth creation. Now when we say? Now, the easiest way to do this is by putting away the money you want to save every month as soon as you receive your salary. And, you manage your monthly expenses with the rest of the amount. Saving is not enough; based on your financial needs channelize your monthly savings into investments. Now, your investments have to have an objective and accordingly, you should define its tenure and then select the right investment tool for it.


Investing in a mutual fund is like an investment made by a collective. An individual as a single investor is likely to have lesser amount of money at disposal than say, a group of friends put together. Now, let's assume that this group of individuals is a novice in investing and so the group turns over the pooled funds to an expert to make their money work for them. This is what a professional Asset Management Company does for mutual funds. The AMC invests the investors' money on their behalf into various assets towards a common investment objective. Optimize the knowledge and experience of a fund manager, a capacity that individually they may not have Benefit from the economies of scale which size enables and is not available on an individual basis.

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