Ssat raw score conversion
Mastering SSAT content is only half the battle. SSAT scoring can seem even more confusing than the test itself! Raw scores?
How exactly is the SSAT scored? When taking the test, students can answer questions either correctly, incorrectly, or not answer them at all. The total number of points earned by each student is called the raw score. This raw score is then converted to a scaled score ranging from for the Upper Level test and on the Middle Level. The scaled score is then converted to a percentile score, ranging from , which shows how you scored compared to other students who also took the test.
Ssat raw score conversion
One of the biggest sources of confusion regarding the SSAT involves how scores are reported. While both scaled scores and percentiles are reported, independent school admission offices have historically relied more on percentile ranks. To help make sense of this, we have put together the following overview of SSAT scoring. Please note that SSAT essays are not scored. Copies of your essay are sent to schools along with your score report. The importance of your essay in admissions decisions varies from school to school, but it is generally much less important than your percentile rank. If you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of our annual Independent School Testing Guide , you can find it here. Raw Scores. Every question on the SSAT is worth one raw point. The easiest question is worth just as much as the most difficult question. There are no points for skipped questions. The total number of correct answers, minus the total penalty for incorrect answers, is the raw score. Scaled Scores.
TripleCrown33 October 14,pm Students receive a scaled score and percentile score for each of the 3 test sections Verbal, Quantitative, and Reading. Then this scaled score becomes a percentile ranging from 1 to
Hi guys, need some help. The percentages come with the scores. Is there a way? Cannot help with that, there is no public conversion chart. You can google it and get charts but those are based on old info.
Download Free Practice Tests. In addition to your scaled score, the SSAT score report provides percentile rankings for each category, comparing your performance to that of other students in the same grade who have taken the test in the past three years. These percentile rankings provide a more accurate way of evaluating student performance at each grade level. Students should not be discouraged if their percentile rankings appear low. Because the Elementary Level exam is new in , percentile data for this test has not yet been released. All of the multiple-choice questions on the SSAT are equal in value, and your raw score for these sections is calculated as follows:. Therefore, your raw score is based on the number of questions correctly answered subtracted by one-quarter point for each question you answer incorrectly.
Ssat raw score conversion
Mastering SSAT content is only half the battle. SSAT scoring can seem even more confusing than the test itself! Raw scores? Scaled scores? Percentile by grade? Percentile by grade and gender? The key to understanding Upper SSAT scoring lies in differentiating between the essential and nonessential information contained in the report. It also lies in understanding what aspects of the SSAT score report secondary schools actually consider. We cover all of this and more in this comprehensive post.
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The total number of points earned by each student is called the raw score. Keep reading for a more detailed breakdown of how this works. We already discussed that students should focus more on percentiles, as opposed to scaled scores. None of the books we have even have a point chart, just answers. Now you have your raw scores for each section! Please note that SSAT essays are not scored. When it comes to independent school admissions, the SSAT score is just one component of the package. The percentages come with the scores. It also lies in understanding what aspects of the SSAT score report secondary schools actually consider. Here's what you need to know
No, if you cannot make an educated guess by eliminating three answers completely from consideration then you should omit the question. If you scored 22 correct, 28 wrong, skipping zero questions your raw score would be
Cannot help with that, there is no public conversion chart. Scaled Scores Your raw score is converted to a scaled score. June 9, Log in to the student version of your SSAT account to view your scores. In Test Prep , Preparing. Should I even bother applying to certain schools if my score is below average? Hi guys, need some help. If below, then your score is below average. Very helpful. Our families ask us this question all the time, and for good reason! Q40 Q30 , R35 r30 Every question on the SSAT is worth one raw point.
Your phrase is brilliant