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Starkiller , also known as Galen Marek and The Apprentice , is the anti-hero main protagonist of the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project including a video game, novel, and comics , who first appeared in the game Soulcalibur IV. He is voiced by Sam Witwer , who also gave his likeness to the character. The character's name is taken from Star Wars creator George Lucas' working name for Luke Skywalker , "Annikin Starkiller"; [4] [5] the character is designed to be a "photo-negative" of Skywalker. However, GamesRadar has criticized Starkiller's design. George Lucas motivated the team working on The Force Unleashed to make a brand-new character a friendly Sith.


Following his mother's death, Kashyyyk was invaded by the Galactic Empire as a target of the Great Jedi Purge , Kento was confronted and slain in a lightsaber duel by the Dark Lord of the Sith , who discovered the fugitive Jedi's son in the process. Gauging the orphan's raw strength in the Force , Vader abducted and ultimately raised Marek, who became Starkiller, to embrace the dark side of the Force. In time Marek forgot his past and even his birth name, having been taken from his home as a child by the Dark Lord. Though trained in the ways of the Sith , the Rule of Two dictated that there could only be two Sith at a time, and therefore Starkiller could not consider himself a true Sith while his master was still apprenticed to Darth Sidious. As such, Vader kept his existence a secret, bestowing to him the call sign "Starkiller. For years , Starkiller aspired to truly become a Dark Lord of the Sith , believing it was his destiny to help Vader overthrow Sidious and usurp his throne as Galactic Emperor. As his training neared completion, Starkiller was formally acknowledged as an apprentice by Vader after surviving his trials, and was ordered by Vader to kill the few remaining members of the fallen Jedi Order —specifically the Jedi Masters Rahm Kota , Kazdan Paratus , and Shaak Ti. The secret apprentice completed his missions, prevailing against his more experienced targets, only to be betrayed by his master after the Emperor confronted them. Stunned by this turn of events, Starkiller nevertheless remained loyal to Vader, and began fomenting a rebellion against the reign of the Galactic Empire as part of his master's plan to depose Sidious. The mission was another ruse, however.

Starkiller also passed some starkiller the time by sparring with Kota, but also had to dodge the Jedi's questions about his past, starkiller.


While it may have had some issues even when it was first released, The Force Unleashed games went a long way in re-invigorating interest in the Star Wars franchise following the luke-warm reception of the prequel trilogy. Gamers have had a chance to play as powerful wielders of the Force before, but Starkiller turned all of these powers up to 11 and was capable of decimating armies of clone soldiers and Jedi alike with little trouble through the use of both Jedi and Sith powers. In the opening sequence of The Force Unleashed, players control Darth Vader as he casually walks towards the source of a powerful Force-sensitive Jedi, casting Wookies aside like ragdolls. After easily defeating the man, Kento, who Vader assumed was the person he was searching for, he discovers Galen and takes him in. Although he doesn't recall his family until much later in his life, it is revealed that both of his parents were Jedi and married in secret, not unlike Anakin and Padme had to in Attack of the Clones. Since both of Starkiller's parents had broken the Jedi code to remain unmarried as well as having to hide from the Empire following the Clone Wars and Order 66 , Kento and Mallie Marek bounced around the galaxy searching for a safe place for their son before settling on Kashyyyk.


The Sith Warrior , also known as the Dark Apprentice , was the incarnation—created through the Force —of the darkness that resided within Starkiller , a young Human male who was secretly trained in the ways of the dark side by the Sith Lord Darth Vader. A Sith in all but name, Starkiller spent years honing his skills in lightsaber combat and Force techniques as Vader's secret apprentice and personal assassin. Aside from being the depiction of Starkiller's "dark side," the Sith Warrior was essentially the culmination of what the Starkiller could have become; a Dark Lord of the Sith , encased in a suit of armor painfully grafted to his body, who succeeded Vader as the apprentice of Darth Sidious. When Starkiller infiltrated the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for a third and final time , his search for further information on his dead father consequently led to his completion of the Jedi Trials.

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The developers also wanted to avoid making Starkiller seem irredeemably evil, and used elements of his backstory and his relationships with other characters to balance it, while trying not to explain too much of his backstory. Starkiller had read the reports, and assured her that she had followed her orders to the end. He considered her not worthy of the dark side. After killing a Rodian sentry and entering the corvette, Starkiller made his way to engineering and activated the remaining engine with a pulse of Force lightning, clearing his path to the Temple. Paratus was accredited by the files as having considerable skill at droid making, and during the Clone Wars, he was lured out of seclusion to study the CIS droid armies, all the while building his own droids to reinforce his troops. Multiple imperfect clones were produced from Vader's efforts to create a more powerful and obedient version of his late apprentice. Unaware of the nature of the battle, and ignorant as to the Jedi's identity, Starkiller leapt to his Master's aid. As he had back on Coruscant, Kento Marek again apologized to his son for all that had happened to him, referring to him by his birth name Galen. Retrieved on June 9 , Coming to understand that ruling the galaxy took more than brute force, he realized that the power of Darth Vader and the Emperor came from fear.

After the death of Marek, the original Starkiller, Vader endeavored to create a more powerful and obedient version of his fallen disciple, using a cloning facility on the planet Kamino to carry out this agenda.

Archived from the original on April 27 , Vader, much to the shock and surprise of Galen, was a terribly scarred old man, in whose eyes Galen saw only pain and exhaustion. Starkiller pursued, swinging as he went. Running circles around the behemoth to dodge its fire, Starkiller managed to leap onto its back, fighting the mounted Chop'aa while using Force lightning to block the droid's attempts to knock him off. Although PROXY provided a faithful reproduction of Jinn's fighting style , he was hampered by his inability to use the Force as well as the confined space they fought in. Starkiller managed to survive, thankful that his reconstruction on the Empirical had drastically increased his physical endurance. An incredibly skilled lightsaber duelist, Marek was able to defeat droid training programs by replicating some legendary duelists such as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul. Retrieved on December 2 , Arriving at the dock, he found it crowded with stormtroopers and Uggernaughts, led by two Shadow Guardsmen. Starkiller then Force-choked the aide while he was working at his desk. Vader then cast the stone table at the center of the chamber at Starkiller, driving him outside into the snow. He frequently trained with his master, as well as engaged in many vicious duels with his training droid, PROXY, and won every time. Starkiller confronted Kota in the command center, leading to a duel that tested the apprentice's skills against a trained Jedi for the first time. Marek was versed enough with all seven forms of lightsaber combat to quickly recognize them in his opponent's style and technique and use their weaknesses to his advantage.

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