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You take the role of a space captain seeking fortune and glory however you choose. Though it is in-development, you can purchase Starsector now at a discount to gain access to ongoing builds. The interstellar Gate network which bound the stars of the Human Domain in a network of trade, industry, and empire collapsed in an instant that irrevocably shattered known civilization. Countless fleets were scattered and lost. The sophistication of the high age of technology is but a memory. Entire worlds cut off from the Gate network starve, burn, and tear themselves apart.


The Grendel -class Phase Cruiser is an eccentric low tech design. Though fielded by the Hegemony , its doctrinal de-emphasis on phase ships makes the Grendel relatively rare to see in its fleets. Grendel is a fairly unique phase ship due to being both low tech and possessing ballistic mounts. Due to having the built-in hullmod Distributed Fire Control , the Grendel sacrifices range increases in exchange for weapon mount durability. Rugged Construction also makes having the ship destroyed in combat somewhat more acceptable, as it halves the effects of any accumulated Damage hullmods. Because the Grendel mainly uses ballistic mounts, unlike high tech phase ships, it can't be equipped nor piloted the same way. Its Accelerated Ammo Feeder and durability, as well as its poor mobility and phase capabilities, encourages it to be out of phase, relegating phase cloaking use to evade especially damaging hits. Since it only has three small missile mounts, the Grendel can benefit from the Missile Autoloader , though not to the same extent as the Eagle or Falcon. Limited to a reload capacity of twelve, it's only enough to sustain the equivalent of nine Reaper-class Torpedoes , or seven Sabot SRMs , just slightly a larger capacity than Expanded Missile Racks. The former can make mounts outright immune to EMP in combination to the built-in as well as increasing its active vent speed, especially when s-modded.

You can go from a beggar with nothing but a gunship and a civilian shuttle to mastering an entire fleet of warships better equipped fmaovies the state military and supported starsector an interstellar empire of your founding to literally anywhere in between, starsector.

Fractal Softworks' Starsector formerly Starfarer is a top-down space combat game. As the player, you directly control your own ship, while issuing orders to other ships in your fleet. The game is currently under heavy development, and many planned features are not yet implemented - however, the planned gameplay for Starsector goes above and beyond a basic action tactical shooter. The game will be an open-world, single-player, space-combat, roleplaying, exploration and economic sim, with the player set to seek out glory and riches however they choose. Game Credits Starsector in the Media.

Fractal Softworks' Starsector formerly Starfarer is a top-down space combat game. As the player, you directly control your own ship, while issuing orders to other ships in your fleet. The game is currently under heavy development, and many planned features are not yet implemented - however, the planned gameplay for Starsector goes above and beyond a basic action tactical shooter. The game will be an open-world, single-player, space-combat, roleplaying, exploration and economic sim, with the player set to seek out glory and riches however they choose. Game Credits Starsector in the Media.


Starsector is a single-player sandbox style space role-playing game with strategic elements. The goal is to give you lots of meaningful choices in a malleable world. Want to see the game in action? When it is ready. We are committed to releasing Starsector as soon as possible for one, we really want to play it ourselves! There are two main reasons — one is that mulitplayer and singleplayer often have conflicting design goals. In brief, what makes a SP game fun may not work for an MP game, and vice versa. The other reason is the amount of time and effort to implement multiplayer would be equivalent to making an entirely new game.

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Since the Alpha version of the game, the game has received critical acclaim, most notably from Rock, Paper, Shotgun , who said in that the game was "already top-notch stuff". Indie Graze. Loadout Tips [ ] Because the Grendel mainly uses ballistic mounts, unlike high tech phase ships, it can't be equipped nor piloted the same way. HellSlayer Mostra il profilo Vedi la cronologia dei messaggi. If the latter, please contact a wiki administrator. Also, your officers, crew, and marines, require payment per month. BHM: Lesser known speeches by black leaders. It has already begun its bloody work. The Luddic Path are Luddic Chruch extremists that utilize terrorism and suicide ships in the name of forcing people to give up modern technology. The Hegemony are the only people still trying to rule democratically, composed of the remnants of the Domain military in the sector. The only way to travel between galaxies was to use giant gates to teleport across intergalactic distances in an instant. It is described as "a creature of darkness, exiled from happiness and accursed of God, the destroyer and devourer of our human kind". Starsector has a real-time economy and different planets will require more or less of different resources based on the industries they hold. Starsector formerly Starfarer is an upcoming top-down single-player indie role-playing game developed and published by Fractal Softworks for computers in

Full list of changes here ; please re-download the game using the links below. One might think of each faction-specific event as a new mission, and some of these are very involved, both mechanically and in terms of new writing. As always, there are also many smaller changes and additions, including balance adjustments, polish, ship AI improvements, bugfixes, and modability improvements!

The game will be an open-world, single-player, space-combat, roleplaying, exploration and economic sim, with the player set to seek out glory and riches however they choose. Cancel Save. Piracy is always an option. At the start of the game, the player is given the option to choose their portrait and spawns in the world with a small fleet of ships. The sophistication of the high age of technology is but a memory. After an extremely short series of tutorial missions, the player is given complete freedom to do whatever they desire. Shawn of the Dead Mostra il profilo Vedi la cronologia dei messaggi. Piloting a ship is hard- you have to manage a lot. Fractal Softworks Forum. Speaking of armor, Heavy Armor will help make the Grendel far more durable when out of phase. Get a colony and you can make your own source of fuel production or food, ores, whatever you need, as long as you have the money. It is angry. Now, some ships have very narrow arcs, sometimes only 20 degrees, while other can have full coverage. Failure means they may attempt a full retreat.

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