steam valve inspection map

Steam valve inspection map

After you finish the said quest, travel steam valve inspection map Lestallum in northern Duscae, and look for Holly in the northern part of the city. When you are working on completing this quest, you should look for blue pipes with sets of three valves aligned horizontally.

Read on for more information about the Sidequest and our strategies for completing it! List of Contents. To begin this sidequest, you need to complete first the A Precious Source of Power story quest. Once done, travel to Lestallum and look for Holly in the northern part of the city. Then, she will ask you to inspect valves for her. To look for the Valves, open your map and choose the Steam Valve Inspection quest.

Steam valve inspection map

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. AceTrainerKV 7 years ago 1. Can anyone link a map screenshot or something that show's the locations of all 8 valves? I found 7 and I've been running around Lestallum for nearly an hour looking for the last one. The music in this place has me on the brink of insanity.. Latoya 7 years ago 3. Here's what I used for a guide. Click on the image to expand it. TropicalBlast 7 years ago 4. Finished it without a guide and didn't take long, I believe the problem is in which side you look at walls, sometimes I had to pass near one twice back and forth to notice it. Darkdragon 7 years ago 5.

Valve 2 : Go left from the location of the first valve, and look for a blue pipe with steam coming out to find the second valve. Recommended Games.


After you finish the said quest, travel to Lestallum in northern Duscae, and look for Holly in the northern part of the city. When you are working on completing this quest, you should look for blue pipes with sets of three valves aligned horizontally. The pipes are aligned vertically. To complete the quest faster, look for them mechanically, searching every street. After you talk to Holly, head towards the city and follow the main alley. The first valve is on the right side, next to some crates. Take a left turn, and you will see the second valve near the first one.

Steam valve inspection map

Read on for more information about the Sidequest and our strategies for completing it! List of Contents. To begin this sidequest, you need to complete first the A Precious Source of Power story quest.

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AceTrainerKV 7 years ago 1. Walkthrough Menu. The first valve is on the right side, next to some crates. Opinions about an article or post. From the previous valve, follow the same alley, turn right, follow the stairs down and you should see a yellow building. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Objective: Report Back to Holly After you inspect all 8 valves, just head back to Holly and talk to her. Steam Valve Inspection Sidequest. Comment Post 0 Comments. The final steam valve is close to the southwestern edge of the blue area. We at Game8 thank you for your support. Holding Back the Dark. You will see the fourth valve on a pipe with steam coming out. Just several steps away from the fourth valve, on the same alley is the fifth.


Popular Articles. Latoya 7 years ago 3 Here's what I used for a guide. Never go to bed angry. Objective: Report Back to Holly After you inspect all 8 valves, just head back to Holly and talk to her. Latoya 7 years ago 3. See more. Browse More Questions. More Topics from this Board. Valve 5 : From the fourth valve, walk a few steps while checking the wall on the left side to find the next valve. Comment Post 0 Comments. Take the first left turn to see another valve on the alley around the corner. List of Contents. Holding Back the Dark.

3 thoughts on “Steam valve inspection map

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