Swem school

SwemKids is a nonprofit program that teaches introductory swimming lessons and water safety skills to communities that experience the highest rates of drownings, swem school. With each splash, we are giving youth the lifesaving skills to be safe in and around the water. We swem school also intentionally diversifying aquatics by creating opportunities for communities that have the highest rates in drownings to receive training and certifications to prepare them for careers in aquatics.

Thank you for taking a step to learn a life-saving skill for yourself and your loved ones. The SwemSchool's team specializes in addressing generational and cultural events related to the fear of swimming. There is freedom in learning. The best way to overcome the fear is to face it; and our experienced trainers know just the techniques to help you get in! That's why we've developed the first ever fully water-proof swim cap that is designed to keep hair dry and provide swimmers the freedom to enjoy the water on their own terms. The SwemSchool is excited to provide the freedom of swimming to you and your family!

Swem school

Thank you for taking a step to learn a life-saving skill for yourself and your loved ones. The Swem School's team specializes in addressing generational and cultural events related to the fear of swimming. There is freedom in learning. The best way to overcome the fear is to face it; and our experienced trainers know just the techniques to help you get in! That's why we've developed the first ever fully water-proof swim cap that is designed to keep hair dry and provide swimmers the freedom to enjoy the water on their own terms. The Swem School is excited to provide the freedom of swimming to you and your family! We offer year round private, semi-private, and group swimming classes for youth and adults. Use our schedule system to select a location, time and instructor. Register for our monthly packages which provide one lesson per week. Start lessons at any time, there is no need to wait for a new session. I am so grateful for Brandon and Ezra! The adult swim class exceeded my expectations and prepared me for the water. Highly recommend. She was nervous but the team at The Swem School was amazing.

Inclusivity Swimming is for everyone and our approach makes sure each student sees themselves in the space, swem school.


Thank you for taking a step to learn a life-saving skill for yourself and your loved ones. The SwemSchool's team specializes in addressing generational and cultural events related to the fear of swimming. There is freedom in learning. The best way to overcome the fear is to face it; and our experienced trainers know just the techniques to help you get in! That's why we've developed the first ever fully water-proof swim cap that is designed to keep hair dry and provide swimmers the freedom to enjoy the water on their own terms. The SwemSchool is excited to provide the freedom of swimming to you and your family!

Swem school

SwemKids is a nonprofit program that teaches introductory swimming lessons and water safety skills to communities that experience the highest rates of drownings. With each splash, we are giving youth the lifesaving skills to be safe in and around the water. We are also intentionally diversifying aquatics by creating opportunities for communities that have the highest rates in drownings to receive training and certifications to prepare them for careers in aquatics. My professional background is in public health, however, my passion for educating vulnerable communities about swimming came from my own personal experience with the water. When I was a freshman in college, I almost drowned while on spring break with friends. As I continued to progress in my career, I started to become aware that my story was not unique. It became my mission to do something about these devastating statistics and SwemKids was born. We at SwemKids are thrilled to celebrate our 5-year anniversary of teaching swimming to underprivileged children in our communities.

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First splash. We offer year round private, semi-private, and group swimming classes for youth and adults. This is product analytics Our 5-year anniversary. Our experienced instructors welcome all swimmers to learn gradually and comfortably. Highly recommend. Hear From Our SwemKids. I have taken swim lessons and a water workout class with The Atlanta Swim School! Why Swem School? Let our SwemTeam help you to reach your swim goals! She was nervous but the team at The Swem School was amazing. Thank you! Thank you for taking a step to learn a life-saving skill for yourself and your loved ones. I found all of this and so much more with the Atlanta Swim School. My professional background is in public health, however, my passion for educating vulnerable communities about swimming came from my own personal experience with the water.

Youth swimming instruction is tailored to the needs of each students and for group, semi-private and private lessons. Each student skill is assessed and students are grouped with like-skilled students.

Trish P. Strength, flexibility, and stamina are all improved through the act of regular swim based exercises. I am excited to enroll my sons in classes this summer! Of course, I am proud to support a local black-owned business but I am elated by the professionalism of the staff, stellar customer service and the way my son identifies with his instructor. Message us to be added to the waitlist! We believe that learning a new skill requires a great teacher so we strive to make that happen with our amazing instructors. We Believe that learning a new skill requires a great teacher so we strive to make that happen with our amazing instructors. Yes No. Your kids will learn amazing swimming skills while also having fun and building everlasting relationships with the water and friends. Thank you for taking a step to learn a life-saving skill for yourself and your loved ones. Yes No.

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