Synonyms of affirm
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These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Moreover, bab. Website Language en English pl Polski. Polish translations powered by Oxford Languages. Jur zeznanie bez przysięgi neuter Monolingual examples Girls feel enhanced by continuous social affirmation while boys feel diminished.
Synonyms of affirm
These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Translations into more languages in the bab. Website Language en English pl Polski. Polish translations powered by Oxford Languages. Jur [witness] zezna ć, -wać bez składania przysięgi Monolingual examples That the company's technology deficit should be so publicly acknowledged affirms that it longs to catch up: it doesn't usually publicize tactical withdrawals until long after the fact. British It was a beautiful ritual that allowed me to publicly affirm the vows that I had sworn so many years before. North American. Będzie także w stanie potwierdzić swą rolę jako światowego lidera w walce ze zmianami klimatycznymi. Są to moim zdaniem dla Europy dwie okazje do potwierdzenia jej roli na świecie. Aby wykluczyć jakiekolwiek zagrożenie dostaw, w kontekście zrównoważonego i trwałego zarządzania gruntami, istotne jest afirmowanie idei bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego. I jeśli odpowiedzi na oba pierwsze pytania są twierdzące, na jakiej podstawie by to uczyniła? Odpowiedź na to pytanie zawsze była twierdząca, innymi słowy, francuska prezydencja istotnie zachowywała obiektywizm. Można uznać, że priorytetami Parlamentu w odniesieniu do przedmiotowego budżetu są potwierdzenie i wzmocnienie środków na kształcenie i innowacje. Obecnie mamy szansę wzmocnić partnerstwo między Tunezją a Unią Europejską w oparciu o potwierdzenie demokracji oraz reformy gospodarcze i społeczne. Akcja afirmacyjna nie jest popularna wśród białych.
Słowo w zdaniu przykładowym nie jest zgodne z hasłem. Spis treści. These are words and phrases related to affirm.
Synonimy i antonimy słowa affirm w języku angielskim. These are words and phrases related to affirm. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, przejdź do definicji affirm. Synonimy i przykłady say When I say your name, raise your hand. Some scholars assert that weaving and cloth making developed considerably earlier.
PDF Version. Table Of Contents:. Judge to be right or commendable; think well of. They would not approve. Provide or serve as clear evidence of. His status is attest ed by his becoming an alderman. They were invited to authenticate artefacts from the Italian Renaissance. Allege as a fact in support of a plea. The defendant does not aver any performance by himself. Admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about.
Synonyms of affirm
Some common synonyms of affirm are assert , avow , declare , and protest. While all these words mean "to state positively usually in anticipation of denial or objection," affirm implies conviction based on evidence, experience, or faith. While in some cases nearly identical to affirm , assert implies stating confidently without need for proof or regard for evidence. Although the words avow and affirm have much in common, avow stresses frank declaration and acknowledgment of personal responsibility for what is declared. While the synonyms declare and affirm are close in meaning, declare stresses open or public statement.
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Living abroad Tips and Hacks for Living Abroad Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. Parliament's priorities for this budget may be considered to be the affirmation and strengthening of funding for education and innovation. Słownik Definicje Jasne wyjaśnienia naturalnego, mówionego i pisanego języka angielskiego. Objaśnienia naturalnego użycia języka angielskiego w piśmie i mowie. The Lisbon Strategy sought to affirm European global competitiveness by ensuring social cohesion and investing in employment. Please do leave them untouched. Collocations "affirmation of faith" in Polish. Furthermore, Europe will affirm its role as a political actor on the international stage. VET Synonyms appraise. We affirm that this Service should be assigned to the Commission for administrative purposes. Why not have a go at them together!
Affirm synonyms, affirm antonyms - FreeThesaurus. Antonyms deny retract.
Not too long ago, those countries signed a new ASEAN Charter in which they explicitly affirm their adherence to the principle of respecting and protecting human rights. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. Będzie także w stanie potwierdzić swą rolę jako światowego lidera w walce ze zmianami klimatycznymi. VET Synonyms appraise. Listy słów. Bezpłatnie listy słów i quizy Cambridge. More Browse by letters. Context sentences English Polish Contextual examples of "affirmation" in Polish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. English affirmatory approbative approbatory approving optimistic plausive. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Słowniki półdwujęzyczne.
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