taimanin rpgx pregnant

Taimanin rpgx pregnant

This page is used for in "What If" born and named child characters. For unnamed and unborn characters, visit: Hypothetical Unborn Children. Hotaru is the daughter of Shiranui and Muneichiin the bad ending of Taimanin Yukikaze, taimanin rpgx pregnant.

A number of unnamed, hypothetical, unborn child characters exist in some of the Bad Endings. Non of those children are canon with the exception of possibly Yoshizawa Kana 's as all her endings suggest her having children. Either for the Mysterious Man 's group or Kenya. The currently only born but still hypothetical "what if" children are Hotaru and " Byg ". The Bad Ending "Asagi Orc breeder" of Taimanin Asagi , results in her be given to Orc 's that break her and make her give birth to their children. She works as an AV model and becomes pregnant by one of her fans. Her mother has a child, she names Hotaru , while Yukikaze is seen pregnant with a daughter.

Taimanin rpgx pregnant


Dogle mentions him after a reunion with Asagi, that was allowed by a DemonizedSakura and Murasaki.


The original version was released September 25, , on Fanza. Both versions of the game have also a SFW variant, which does not include the X, all versions are still ongoing. The characters can be won in gachas or as event rewards, and have "what if" and canon dating or erotic scene but all playable events are sfw. The protagonist of the game is again Fuuma Kotaro but more focus is also put on the supporting cast that experiences their own adventures. Plays in the Taimanin world, Gosha Academy is the command center and training ground for new Taimanin. Gaiza declares himself the head of the Fuuma clan and rebels against the Gosha Taimanin , who he considers a 'dogs of the government'. Kotaro assists in fending off Gaiza's attempted assassination of Igawa Asagi , the leader of the Taimanin and headmaster. Asagi sees potential in Kotaro and appoints him as the leader of a new special operations team. Kotaro, which is unable to use his clan ability, later awakes to a mysterious power, that ties him to his past life and Edwin Black and Teutates. Kotaro and Gaiza , have a minor fight, Kotaro's friends Hebiko and Shikanosuke break the fight up.

Taimanin rpgx pregnant

A number of unnamed, hypothetical, unborn child characters exist in some of the Bad Endings. Non of those children are canon with the exception of possibly Yoshizawa Kana 's as all her endings suggest her having children. Either for the Mysterious Man 's group or Kenya. The currently only born but still hypothetical "what if" children are Hotaru and " Byg ". The Bad Ending "Asagi Orc breeder" of Taimanin Asagi , results in her be given to Orc 's that break her and make her give birth to their children. She works as an AV model and becomes pregnant by one of her fans. Her mother has a child, she names Hotaru , while Yukikaze is seen pregnant with a daughter.

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Start a Wiki. Explore Wikis Community Central. She has a daughter once more with a certain degree of uncertainty if it is of Morita or his group of friends. Hotarus existence, however, is not canon as Shiranui in TY2 doesn't serve Yazaki anymore, and she was sent to somebody else much earlier. Sign In Register. Cordelia Hermes Earth Titan Mars. In that hypothetical scenario, she is the half-sister of Yukikaze but does not exist in normal canon. However, Big has been born already in the game around that time. The father of both children is Muneichi , which declares that for 3 generation they all are gonna be his slaves. Taimanin Yukikaze Taimanin Yukikaze 2.

As the leader of all Taimanin , the current academy's principal, and government mediator, she is a figure demanding respect from friends and foes, well known as the strongest, almighty Taimanin.

However, in the second episode, Asagi is shown to be pregnant with her son at the conclusion of the story. Big is born and lives with his father, Dogle. View history Talk 0. Popular Pages. Explore Wikis Community Central. He then proclaims that 3 generations of Mizukis women shall all be his slaves, as revenge. Popular Pages. This page is used for in "What If" born and named child characters. In the bad ending route, Igawa Asagi is forced to carry him out, so she is allowed to die. Hypothetical Unborn Children. Detective Agency D.

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