tamil bus sex stories

Tamil bus sex stories

Hello Readers. To the new readers, I am 23 yrs old guy living in Chennai. I have physic not so fit and not so lean but little bit Aesthetic.

Post a Comment. Pages Home Actress Nude pics. Hi everybody. I am 24 old male originally from Chennai. I am a decent and gentle man during all my lifetime, but except on few occasions. Today I am going to share my first encounter with a girl in my life time.

Tamil bus sex stories

Pages Home Actress Nude pics. Friday 14 June Sleeper Bus from Bangalore. Let me share the wounder full experience that i had when i was traveling with my class mate Geethu name changed. We both are studying in Bangalore,in the same college. It was the day that we had holiday in our college there was some fest going on in out college. So we both decided to go to our native for our holidays. So she asked me to take a reservation by bus to go to Kerala,so i went to Madival a place in Bangalore. The only seat available was the berth seat where two people can sleep and go. I got the tickets and went to her, to her hostel i told her only the berth were available,She told its ok we will go. The next day we came to the place where the bus was boarding,the bus was at in the evening. The bus started to move form the boarding place. We started to talk a lot. After a mean while the lights in the bus was turned off.

It was already wet down there.


This menu's updates are based on your activity. The data is only saved locally on your computer and never transferred to us. You can click these links to clear your history or disable it. Tamil girl showing her Boobs 2. Public blowjob enjoy in a bus. Bus conductor in sex passenger blowjob. Putaria on the bus in Rio. Tamil Aunty Boobs and pussy show1. A stranger gave me a blowjob on the bus.

Tamil bus sex stories

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The girl should enjoy what I I guessed. After some time as her stop was nearing she put her number on her mobile phone and asked me to text her. Maid From Heaven. They talked in Sri Lankan Tamil. The next day we came to the place where the bus was boarding,the bus was at in the evening. Friday 14 June Sleeper Bus from Bangalore. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. I then inserted my finger into her pussy. Please complete the required fields. She unzipped my pants and took my dick out and started to play.


I stared to kiss her stomach and went up again and un hooked her bra, i started pressing her boobs very hard. And a twist which led up to something else at the end. She told me to increase the speed, she told that she will come fast. My friend also decided to go back and occupy the lengthy last seat, so he can stretch and sleep. Her lips was horney and it was so sweet. Rohith 22 February at Then after a while bus started I continued my act until it reach some town near ulundurpet. I all share it later on. But I have masturbated a few times thinking that incident. Please let us know why you are choosing to report this Report submission and then click the submit button at the bottom of the page.

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