Teen wolf wiki

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I was an exotic for sure. So I stood out from the crowd. Disadvantage: Some strange looks. Advantage: I was easily recognized by the actors and the staff. The screams!

Teen wolf wiki

Teen Wolf Wiki is a wikia fandom, for Teen Wolf began in , as a collaborative project to create the most accurate and accessible encyclopedia with reference archives for the MTV drama. The wikia focused only in canon of the show. Teen Wolf Wikia is a collaborative project to create the most definitive, accurate, and accessible encyclopedia and reference archives for everything related to MTV's Teen Wolf. Teen Wolf Wikia strives for the highest standards of accuracy for those researching or discovering the show for the first time. Teen Wolf Wikia staff is in regular contact with Teen Wolf creator Jeff Davis and this site is the only officially-recognized online source for Teen Wolf canon. We welcome you to add to our knowledge base as long as what you add is concise, accurate and well written. While Teen Wolf Wiki respects and enjoys the overwhelming creativity of the fan fiction community, this is a site dedicated to preserving the actual canon of the show. This article or section needs expansion. Editing Teen Wolf Wikia We welcome you to add to our knowledge base as long as what you add is concise, accurate and well written. Only Verifiable Information is allowed in our articles. As such, fan fiction is incompatible with our primary mission.

Episodes Season 1 2 3 4 5 6 Characters secondary. Retrieved March 10, Archived from the original on October 26,

The Official Teen Wolf Wiki began in as a collaborative project to create the most accurate and accessible encyclopedia and reference archives for the MTV drama Teen Wolf and its sequels. In the season three episode Visionary, Gerard Argent explains the ancient origin of werewolves in the Teen Wolf universe. He invited Zeus to a banquet and then tried to serve him the flesh of a human being. Zeus blew the place apart with lightning bolts and then punished Lycaon and his sons by turning them into wolves. Yes, Gerard is an unreliable narrator. But he did not write the book shown in the episode about the dru….

Serving as a supernatural reimagining of the film of the same name , the series is the fourth installment overall in the titular franchise. Tyler Posey portrays a young werewolf who defends his California town from supernatural creatures and other threats. The series premiered on June 5, , and concluded on September 24, , after six seasons. Scott becomes the eponymous teenage werewolf of the series after he is bitten by an alpha werewolf the night before his second year of high school, drastically changing his once-ordinary life. The bite forces him to balance his new identity with day-to-day teenage life and eventually help protect his hometown, which he learns is a beacon for supernatural activity. Scott begins the series as a relatively unpopular and unathletic student who lives with his divorced mother Melissa, a nurse at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. As a werewolf, he develops heightened physical abilities and senses well beyond those of an ordinary human, but he also must control animalistic instincts that are amplified by feelings of aggression and full moons.

Teen wolf wiki

The Official Teen Wolf Wiki began in as a collaborative project to create the most accurate and accessible encyclopedia and reference archives for the MTV drama Teen Wolf and its sequels. In the season three episode Visionary, Gerard Argent explains the ancient origin of werewolves in the Teen Wolf universe. He invited Zeus to a banquet and then tried to serve him the flesh of a human being. Zeus blew the place apart with lightning bolts and then punished Lycaon and his sons by turning them into wolves. Yes, Gerard is an unreliable narrator. But he did not write the book shown in the episode about the dru…. Wolf Pack TV Wiki. Wolf Pack TV Wiki adheres to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in canon collection and dissemination as established by the Official Teen Wolf Wiki. For more than a decade, the Official Teen Wolf Wiki built a reputation for the highest standards of accuracy. Our staff's dedication to facts over "fanon" means you can trust the information here and makes Teen Wolf Wiki the go-to site for those researching the show and viewers just discovering Teen Wolf for the first time.

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Eli Hale. Teen Wolf Wiki Explore. He is played by Daniel Sharman. Archived from the original on July 15, January 19, Entertainment Tonight. All information must be about this show and, if possible, sourced. Fox stars as the title character, a high school student whose ordinary life is changed when he discovers that he is a werewolf. Episodes Season 1 2 3 4 5 6 Characters secondary. Archived from the original on November 17, June 5, The third season premiered on June 3, , at 10 pm, [5] giving the series a new high on ratings. Atlantic Releasing Corporation Wolfkill Productions.

Volunteers are needed to help fill our pages!

Categories : Teen Wolf Wiki. New York Daily News. Derek's age edited 8 months ago by ravewulf. Archived from the original on October 14, Current Wiki. Archived from the original on May 24, And I promised him to do one very soon. Retrieved October 21, Archived from the original on August 9, Theo is part Werecoyote as well as part Werewolf which gives him both of their abilities, including shifting into a full wolf and coyote. Retrieved January 27, — via www.

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