Teton gravity forums

Communicate with fellow mountain snow sports addicts: questions, comments and discussion. Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified teton gravity forums frame.

Welcome to the TGR Forums and the biggest and most honest conversation in the outdoor world! For guidelines about the forums, check out our Roolz. Communicate with fellow mountain snow sports addicts: questions, comments and discussion. Friday Game: Word Association. Hilda Lodge in Valkyrs March Gunsight Mountain OR Fatality. Colorado Weather Discussion

Teton gravity forums

Registration's totally free, of course, and makes snowHeads easier to use and to understand, gives better searching, filtering etc. When you register, you get our free weekly -ish snow report by email. It's rather good and not made up by tourist offices or people that love the tourist office and want to marry it either We don't share your email address with anyone and we never send out any of those cheesy 'message from our partners' emails either. Anyway, snowHeads really is MUCH better when you're logged in - not least because you get to post your own messages complaining about things that annoy you like perhaps this banner which, incidentally, disappears when you log in Username:- Password:. Or: Register to be a proper snow-head, all official-like! Prev topic :: Next topic. Poster: A snowHead. I was looking at some Teton Gravity trailers over the weekend and some of the stuff they do it just crazy! They say there are scared themselves so is this really taking risks too far for our enjoyment or are these risks acceptable? Are they just foolish or are they driven to explore the limits of what's humanly possible where once you have overcome one fear you need something more dangerous again to get the same buzz? Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person. Isn't that the video we discussed here - though I see the link there is now down. Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

He seems pretty jazzed for his tour. They say there are scared themselves so is this really taking risks too far for our enjoyment or are these risks acceptable?

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Communicate with fellow mountain snow sports addicts: questions, comments and discussion. Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame. Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order' will show the newest results first. Utility Menu. Last Jump to page: Threads 1 to 40 of Advanced Search. Snow for the Euros. Best Gaper qoute of the weekend? Telemark skiing is dead.

Teton gravity forums

Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame. Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order' will show the newest results first. Utility Menu.

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Ns is where it's at. NS is all about style, looks and is pretty much the E! He might have a point? Instead they just have assholes. Even though people who know there stuff might post if I made a post asking about good spots to ski in the alps or something it would just be condescending shit about how they don't want tourists in their secret spots. Is this any different from how the majority of nsers treat racers? Thread Display Options. Last Post: Anybody get on the Line Blade All rights reserved. Trip Reports. Ive never had problems over on TGR. TGR actually has a pretty low tolerance for trolling but nobody's afraid to speak their mind. Question Are Teton Gravity athletes just crazy? Snow Reports. Hook Up.

Welcome to the TGR Forums and the biggest and most honest conversation in the outdoor world!

I'll definitely be on the look-out for the 'dot stand; good luck with the show - and the mini-kiwi of course! Peter Ross , Fred Syverson m ft cliff huck although this was accidental Ive spent alot of time on here in the last year talking to you guys, and I enjoy the conversations that occur here. Of course the ns kids are going to be more impressed by your lift-served, in-bounds tour of new england than the tgr crowd. Utility Menu. Got any good entrance pics? Last Jump to page: Threads 1 to 40 of But without advertising revenue, we can't keep making this site awesome. The layout sucks aswell. Pretty much this. Other givens: They WILL make fun of you if your poles don't touch the ground when you're holding your arms dead at your sides. SLC dining and Powder Mountain beta timeo. They weren't even all that harsh. TGR actually has a pretty low tolerance for trolling but nobody's afraid to speak their mind.

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