
Tetrahymena thermophila is a species of Ciliophora in the family Tetrahymenidae.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Tetrahymena thermophila is a ciliate -- a unicellular eukaryote. Remarkably, every cell maintains differentiated germline and somatic genomes: one silent, the other expressed. Moreover, the two genomes undergo diverse processes, some as extreme as life and death, simultaneously in the same cytoplasm.


The national Tetrahymena Stock Center TSC , located at Cornell University , is a centralized repository and distribution site for a variety of Tetrahymena strains and species. TSC maintains a diverse array of a wild type, mutant, and genetically engineered strains of T. All stocks are stored in liquid nitrogen to maintain genetic integrity and prevent senescence. In addition to providing worldwide access to strains currently in the collection, TSC continually upgrades the collection by accepting deposition of newly developed laboratory strains and well-characterized wild isolates collected from clearly defined natural sites. The Tetrahymena Stock Center is pleased to be a part of the Resource Identification Initiative, a project aimed at clearly identifying key research resources used in the course of scientific research. In addition to live Tetrahymena cultures, TSC also provides purified genomic DNA from strains in the collection, and an array of plasmids commonly used in the Tetrahymena system. Biolistic transformation services for both germinal and somatic nuclei are now available through TSC. Transformation in Tetrahymena occurs only via homologous recombination, allowing targeted modification of specific genes and site-specific gene knock-ins, knock-outs, and gene tagging. Expression vectors facilitating overexpression of proteins are also available. The TGD Wiki provides information on the Tetrahymena genomes, genes, and proteins, and is designed to facilitate community annotation of the Tetrahymena genome. ASSET has developed a number of K — 12 educational activities that use live Tetrahymena in a hands-on inquiry driven approach to teaching basic scientific concepts.

Mesodiniea MesodiniumMyrionecta, tetrahymena. Species in this genus include. The diploid germline micronucleus is transcriptionally silent tetrahymena only plays a role during sexual life stages.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Tetrahymena thermophila is a ciliate model organism whose study has led to important discoveries and insights into both conserved and divergent biological processes. In this review, we describe the tools for the use of Tetrahymena as a model eukaryote, including an overview of its life cycle, orientation to its evolutionary roots, and methodological approaches to forward and reverse genetics. With the unique advantages that Tetrahymena provide, we argue that it will continue to be a model organism of choice.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Tetrahymena thermophila is a ciliate model organism whose study has led to important discoveries and insights into both conserved and divergent biological processes. In this review, we describe the tools for the use of Tetrahymena as a model eukaryote, including an overview of its life cycle, orientation to its evolutionary roots, and methodological approaches to forward and reverse genetics. With the unique advantages that Tetrahymena provide, we argue that it will continue to be a model organism of choice. GENETIC model systems have a long-standing history as important tools to discover novel genes and processes in cell and developmental biology.


Tetrahymena , a unicellular eukaryote , is a genus of free-living ciliates. Tetrahymena cells can recognize both related and hostile cells. They can also switch from commensalistic to pathogenic modes of survival. Tetrahymena species used as model organisms in biomedical research are T. As a ciliated protozoan , Tetrahymena thermophila exhibits nuclear dimorphism : two types of cell nuclei. They have a bigger, non-germline macronucleus and a small, germline micronucleus in each cell at the same time and these two carry out different functions with distinct cytological and biological properties. This unique versatility allows scientists to use Tetrahymena to identify several key factors regarding gene expression and genome integrity.

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A robust inducible-repressible promoter greatly facilitates gene knockouts, conditional expression, and overexpression of homologous and heterologous genes in Tetrahymena thermophila. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Statistical analyses were done with a two-sided Mann-Whitney comparisons test. In addition to its proven importance as a model system for discovering fundamental principles of eukaryotic biology, it is the most experimentally amenable member of the Alveolates e. Natalia V. Species of ciliate protozoa. We report 19 Tetrahymena species and two closely related Glaucoma lineages, 13 of which may be new species. A preliminary MIC sequencing project was recently carried out K. Download PDF. This is akin to the genetics of high copy number bacterial plasmids. Taken together, the basic ecology and natural history of Tetrahymena species remains largely unclear. When N-terminal domains were swapped between MIC- and MAC-specific Nup98 homologs, nuclear localization of the overexpressed chimeric proteins was predominantly according to the C-terminal domains, which contain nucleoporin2 domains Fig. Species in this genus include. Cell survival is essential; thus in Tetrahymena, the AIF pathway clearly functions exclusively as a programmed nuclear death pathway and not as an apoptotic program.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila has been an important model system for biological research for many years.

This diversity in natural environments suggests that the island may harbor a rich biodiversity for this protist. Thus, likely there is a conformational change upon molecular motor binding to facilitate intraflagellar transport in the cilia. Analysis of ubiquitin and differential gene expression during differentiation in Tetrahymena vorax Thesis. Stoddard, D. A combinatorial MAP code dictates polarized microtubule transport. Proteomics of primary cilia by proximity labeling. Third, Tetrahymena exhibits an estimated one to four chiasmata per bivalent Loidl and Scherthan, In Tetrahymena , the major constitutive promoter utilized is the histone H4 promoter Kahn et al. Using next-generation sequencing to isolate mutant genes from forward genetic screens. It is still unclear how to link post-translation modifications of CFAP77 with its function in cilia. Nanney, D. Reporting Summary.

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