thuja 1000

Thuja 1000

Chronic headaches that affect mainly during bedtime, preventing sleep and painful tenderness over the scalp region.

Main action on the skin forming warts like excrescences, swelling on the skin, eruptions that are sensitive to touch. Brown spots on hands and arms. Ill effects of vaccination seen in children. It acts well is the complaints of skin after vaccination that gives a pitting effect on skin. Chronic headaches that affect mainly during bedtime, preventing sleep and painful tenderness over the scalp region. Useful for lip complaints with peeling and redness, cracking of lips with warts on the upper lips are relieved with the help of Thuja.

Thuja 1000


Q mother tincture for local application. Main action on the skin forming warts like excrescences, swelling on the skin, eruptions that are sensitive to touch, thuja 1000. It can be used for complaints of Chronic Induration of thuja 1000.


Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The online version of this article has been published under an open access model. Users are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the open access version of this article for non-commercial purposes provided that: the original authorship is properly and fully attributed; the Journal and Oxford University Press are attributed as the original place of publication with the correct citation details given; if an article is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a derivative work this must be clearly indicated. For commercial re-use, please contact gro. Arbor vitae Thuja occidentalis L. Many reviews and monographs have been published on the herbal substance's description, mode of action and clinical use. However, no comprehensive evidence-based review is available. This review presents the botany, ethnobotany and phytochemistry, especially the different contents of essential oil Thujone in relation to different extraction procedures of this medicinal plant. Thuja 's antiviral action and immunopharmacological potential, such as stimulatory and co-stimulatory effects on cytokine and antibody production and activation of macrophages and other immunocompetent cells, have been evaluated in numerous in vitro and in vivo investigations.

Thuja 1000

Home Homeopathy sbl thuja occidentalis dilution c. Potency 9. CM CH. Pack Size 2.

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It is liquid potency. Facing any health issue make an appointment and consult online Make Appointment. It can be used for complaints of Chronic Induration of testicles. SBL Alfalfa Malt g. Unable to pass the flatus, with painful contractions at anal region. For effective results, apply Thuja ointment on the affected area. Flatulence that makes the person restless and soreness around the navel region. Home Category Search Cart. Female Complaints: Smarting pains in the urethral region while passing urine. We recommend you to take under physicians guidance. Desires to wrap up the face with warmth which gives relief. Reviews There are no reviews yet.

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But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. Useful for lip complaints with peeling and redness, cracking of lips with warts on the upper lips are relieved with the help of Thuja. Heaviness and stiffness of legs, Cracking in Joints when stretching arms, Complaints that are aggravated after exposure to heat but better by movement, cold and perspiration. Smarting pains in the urethral region while passing urine. Q Can I use Thuja Occid for sebaceous cyst on scrotum? It can be used for complaints of Chronic Induration of testicles. Female Complaints: Smarting pains in the urethral region while passing urine. Immediately feels stomach is full after eating. Home Category Search Cart. Shipping calculated at checkout.

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