tombstone imdb

Tombstone imdb

A successful lawman's plans to retire anonymously in Tombstone, Arizona are disrupted by the kind of outlaws he was famous tombstone imdb eliminating. Doc Holliday : I'm your huckleberry

Wyatt Earp cleans up Tombstone and faces the Clanton gang at the O. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Director William C. Le Vino. See production info at IMDbPro.

Tombstone imdb

Sign In. Tombstone Hide Spoilers. SnoopyStyle 4 October Tombstone, Arizona is a boom town from silver and is hounded by an organized gang called the Cowboys. Johnny Ringo Michael Biehn is a cold-hearted killer. Despite having his wife Mattie there, he becomes infatuated with actress Josephine Marcus Dana Delany. The Earps get into confrontations with the Cowboys which eventually leads to the shoot-out at the OK Corral. There are a lot of good actors as both good guys and bad guys. Kurt Russell may not be the most impressive of the lot but he does a solid job. Val Kilmer is really hamming it up. He steals the movie with his memorable performance. Other than him, this is a straight western without much comedy.

Amen for this one as opposed to the tragic The Quick and the Dead which was kinda silly if your brain is turned on whilst watching it, tombstone imdb.

Sign In. Edit Tombstone Directed by George P. Cosmatos Kevin Jarre Wyatt Earp Val Kilmer

There have been more movies and television shows about icon of the Old West Wyatt Earp and his brothers than shootouts in towns on the frontier, but few hold a candle to the Kurt Russell -led western Tombstone. For nearly 30 years now, George P. Cosmatos' masterpiece has remained one of the most popular westerns thanks to its timeless story, intense gun battles, those luscious mustaches, and classic one-liners from from the famed lawman and his allies. But with so much time passing since the film's initial release way back when, some may have forgotten how things shake out for Wyatt Earp, his brothers Virgil and Morgan, the charismatic Doc Holiday , and the rest of the characters who show up on either side of the central conflict in Tombstone. That being said, let's talk about the Tombstone ending and how things wrapped up for everyone. Kurt Russell's Wyatt Earp isn't just front and center throughout the events of Tombstone , he's often the most interesting character on the screen not named Doc Holliday. After taking on the Cowboys at the O. Corral and then again multiple times, resulting in the deaths of his most hated enemies, Earp goes to see about Josephine Marcus and attempts to find some peace and harmony in his life after years of the fighting crime, running gambling joints, and going after all those curs with red sashes. Before that, however, he goes to have one last visit with his old friend Doc Holliday, whose health is quickly deteriorating in a Colorado sanatorium. Doc Holiday, who is played masterfully in Tombstone by an in-his-prime Val Kilmer , is often considered the best character in the whole movie, and those people who think that wouldn't be wrong.

Tombstone imdb

While the movie itself is engaging and slickly enjoyable, the filming process for this Wyatt Earp biopic was anything but. With a rotating director's chair, tight demands, a fluid script, and some unforgiving western locales, making good movies isn't always easy. Nevertheless, the stories recounting the making of this troubled movie can certainly make it easier to appreciate all the hard work that went into this well-liked new staple of the evolving Western genre. If you consider yourself a big fan of Westerns and you love Tombstone , here are some behind-the-scenes facts you should know. It has long been reported that Kurt Russell is not merely the star of Tombstone but also its secret director. Since the passing of George P. Cosmatos, Tombstone's credited director who took over after screenwriter Kevin Jarre was fired, Russell has been open in admitting that he was the one who was actually in charge of the set as the ghost director. He claimed that he wouldn't say a word while Cosmatos was still alive, but when he passed away in , Russell has talked more openly about how he cradled the product to the finish line. Several actors involved with this famous film have stepped forward and verified Russell's statement in a matter of words, including Kilmer.

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Wyatt Earp Val Kilmer Michael Biehn Johnny Ringo. Corral incident in Tombstone, Arizona has been told previously in Edward L. Goodfellow Don Collier Mayor John Clum. Still, fans of a six-shooter will find plenty to be impressed by - in this admirable character-led mix of gunplay, companionship, romance and even just the right amount of pathos. Sure, the facts are often recalculated in this film. Charles Stevens Indian Charley. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. See our picks. Cynthia Shope Dancer uncredited. Connections Version of Frontier Marshal Only afterward do we realize he's a lethal lunatic of the damned - it's a powerful beginning. Of course when you and your brothers settle in a wide open town like Tombstone, Arizona you've got to expect your talents will be called upon. Share this page:.

Kurt Russell Wyatt Earp. Val Kilmer Doc Holliday.

Propmaker uncredited Ron Nix Thadd Turner Townsman uncredited. They were picture- perfect in their places. Is there a moral equivalence between killing for justice and killing for retribution? Behan Stephen Lang Wes Fuller as W. A Terrific Homage to Classic Westerns! Peter Sherayko Texas Jack Vermillion. Le Vino. Although they maintained contact following the vendetta ride, Wyatt and Doc Holliday basically went their separate ways, so the scene at the Glenwood Springs Sanatorium is the film's final attempt to elicit some genuine emotion from the players and the viewer.

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