Top 10 south indian movies imdb

Not Rated min Action, Drama. Amarendra Baahubali, the heir apparent to the throne of Mahishmati, finds his life and relationships endangered as his adoptive brother Bhallaladeva conspires to claim the throne. Director: S.

Not Rated min Action, Crime, Drama. In the s, a gangster named Rocky goes undercover as a slave to assassinate the owner of a notorious gold mine known as the Kolar Gold Fields. Votes: 98, Not Rated min Action, Drama. A child from the Mahishmati kingdom is raised by tribal people and one day learns about his royal heritage, his father's bravery in battle and a mission to overthrow the incumbent ruler. Director: S.

Top 10 south indian movies imdb

Not Rated min Action, Drama. A child from the Mahishmati kingdom is raised by tribal people and one day learns about his royal heritage, his father's bravery in battle and a mission to overthrow the incumbent ruler. Director: S. Amarendra Baahubali, the heir apparent to the throne of Mahishmati, finds his life and relationships endangered as his adoptive brother Bhallaladeva conspires to claim the throne. Faisi wants to go to UK to become a professional chef but circumstances force him to assist his grandfather in a small restaurant in Kozhikode city, changing his outlook on life forever. Votes: 16, Krishna Shankar. A case of mistaken identity embroils an escaped convict in a fight against a large corporation intent on seizing a village's land. Director: A. Votes: 29, Not Rated min Action, Crime, Drama. Vikram, a no-nonsense police officer, accompanied by Simon, his partner, is on the hunt to capture Vedha, a smuggler and a murderer. Vedha tries to change Vikram's life, which leads to a conflict. Votes: 50,

Votes: 87, This is the story of 'R3 batch' consisting of Rocky, Rambo and Rahul, three friends who keep failing every year and are stuck with studying inter. A child from the Mahishmati kingdom is raised by tribal people and one day learns about his royal heritage, his father's bravery in battle and a mission to overthrow the incumbent ruler.

Not Rated min Action, Drama. Amarendra Baahubali, the heir apparent to the throne of Mahishmati, finds his life and relationships endangered as his adoptive brother Bhallaladeva conspires to claim the throne. Director: S. Not Rated min Action, Adventure, Drama. A fearless warrior on a perilous mission comes face to face with a steely cop serving British forces in this epic saga set in pre-independent India.

Not Rated min Action, Drama. A child from the Mahishmati kingdom is raised by tribal people and one day learns about his royal heritage, his father's bravery in battle and a mission to overthrow the incumbent ruler. Director: S. Amarendra Baahubali, the heir apparent to the throne of Mahishmati, finds his life and relationships endangered as his adoptive brother Bhallaladeva conspires to claim the throne. Faisi wants to go to UK to become a professional chef but circumstances force him to assist his grandfather in a small restaurant in Kozhikode city, changing his outlook on life forever.

Top 10 south indian movies imdb

With coming to an end, we decided to collate a list of South Indian thriller movies offering the best of mysterious and intriguing plots with unexpected twists that earned good ratings on IMDb. The Kannada action-thriller took the country by surprise as it emerged as one of the highest-rated thriller movies of on IMDb. Penned and helmed by Rishab Shetty, the intriguing plot of the film is set in a small village of South Karnataka and it highlights the cultural rituals followed by the people of Karnataka. One of the most searched films on Google, Kantara , which was made with a budget of Rs 15 crore, went on to earn more than Rs crore plus, per India TV. Another Kannada drama that set the cash registers ringing and emerged as one of the highest-earning thrillers was KGF: Chapter 2. Superstar Yash reunited with filmmaker Prashanth Neel and delivered another blockbuster performance that left the audience on the edge of their seat. The film follows the story of Rocky, who now becomes the king of the gold mine. But with many enemies marching towards his kingdom, will he be able to save his people and empire from outside invasion? A gripping narrative, high-octane action sequences and strong performances by Raveena Tandon, Sanjay Dutt, Srinidhi Shetty and Yash, make this South Indian thriller movie a must-watch for all. The plot continues to get more interesting when a special agent discovers more shocking details about Vikram while investigating a murder case.

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M security guard, goes on a treasure hunt for the diamonds hidden by his grandfather in the Hinglaj temple during the time of the India - Pakistan partition. Their relationship gets an endearing twist when an AI humanoid enters their lives and fills in their emptiness. Adipurush min Action, Adventure, Drama 3. Votes: 22, The hapless Durga encounters a cross section of the society through the rest of the night. Rangasthalam Not Rated min Action, Drama 8. However, growing religious tensions and erupting riots threaten to tear the family apart. Not Rated min Comedy. Not Rated 95 min Action, Crime, Thriller. When a massive consignment of gold disappears, a series of mysterious events unfold, including a shocking death. Years later, he is forced to relive the past as he narrates the story to his friend's son. Sign In.

Looking for the highest rated South Indian movies?

Director: Adhik Ravichandran Stars: G. This is the story of 'R3 batch' consisting of Rocky, Rambo and Rahul, three friends who keep failing every year and are stuck with studying inter. When a flyover in the city becomes the hotbed of accidents, a young reporter decides to investigate the issue. In the s, a gangster named Rocky goes undercover as a slave to assassinate the owner of a notorious gold mine known as the Kolar Gold Fields. Each year, the South Indian film industry releases many movies across various genres, and has been no exception. Votes: 36, Not Rated min Comedy. Adipurush min Action, Adventure, Drama 3. Rishi has to extract information about Kittu from Vaishali, another student. Not Rated min Action, Comedy. Copy from this list Export Report this list. Not Rated min Drama, Thriller. Votes: 98,

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