Vanna white crochet books

Television personality Vanna White presents 52 of her favorite afghan designs. Vanna leads readers through the collection from A to Z in beautiful full-color photos. Designs cover everything from the

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Nancy Janice Fitzpatrick Editor.

Vanna white crochet books


Here, we feature some of the best of the genre, in the style of a particularly popular quiz show. ISBN What does it take to be a successful game show host?


Vanna White presents some of her favorite afghans in this book from Leisure Arts. With 45 afghans to choose from, including seven with matching gifts, crocheters make cozy gifts for any occasion. This description may be from another edition of this product. Skip to content. Search Button.

Vanna white crochet books

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Vanna Speaks.

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I've already made two or three. I was disappointment the first 19 pages are missing which included the index any commits that were made and most of all the whole first chapter. It's an old ish book of crochet patterns Community Reviews. Search review text. Loading interface An excellent book with terrific patterns. This description may be from another edition of this product. Television personality Vanna White presents 52 of her favorite afghan designs. This is a beautiful book full of 52 crochet patterns for afghans created by talented artist Vanna White. Help center. Quantity: 1 2 3 4.

Hello fellow crochet enthusiasts! This low-sew pattern is perfect for beginners and works up quickly, making it an ideal gift for chicken lovers. So why not give it a try and join the flock of happy crocheters?

Length: Pages. No pattern modifications needed. I don't think there's a single afghan in this book I don't want to make. They are all put together very well. BUT, I will say this One thing I love is that there is such a variety. It's an old ish book of crochet patterns I was disappointment the first 19 pages are missing which included the index any commits that were made and most of all the whole first chapter. I also like this book because there are some very cool afghans to crochet and I would not be embarrased to show them off to any of my friends who are still in the yrs old range. Book Overview Television personality Vanna White presents 52 of her favorite afghan designs. They exude just enough personality, but not too much. Language: English.

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