vhs videos worth money

Vhs videos worth money

But are VHS tapes really worth anything, and is it really as easy as eso bash your dusty collection of movies on eBay and waiting for the cash to roll in? Well, as it turns out, there are a handful of tapes vhs videos worth money could equate to a pretty good payday. And they are actually worth money. Watch it.

By Kim Komando For Dailymail. You could be sitting on a treasure trove of valuable childhood movies. Streaming has replaced trips to the video store, but VHS tapes are becoming a hot commodity among collectors. Classics like Back to the Future and movies with a cult following like the original Fast and the Furious are fetching thousands on eBay. But before you go sprinting to the garage or rummaging around the attic - proceed with care: the condition of these tapes is key to their sale price. How's that for appreciation? As the saying goes, "Goonies never die.

Vhs videos worth money

These days we're spoilt for choice, at the click of a button, you can pick and choose from hundreds of movies and TV shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video that are hosted "in the cloud," but if we turn the clock back, it wasn't quite so streamlined. Back in the day, your media library was all about those sacred VHS tapes that you'd collect, requiring you to dedicate vast cupboards of space to store them. For years VHS has been the unloved format, but now anyone who still has their collection of VHS videos from the 70s and 80s could be sitting on a blockbuster treasure trove. You're far more likely to get a better price for an unopened, packaged videotape than for a used one. Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice on investing, taxes, retirement, personal finance and more - straight to your e-mail. Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice - straight to your e-mail. VHS auctions are still pretty rare, but as our sister site MoneyWeek discovered, the few that are around are worth looking into — especially if you're sitting on a pile of hit movies like Star Wars, The Goonies, Superman and Rambo. They say, "Most VHS tapes are only worth a dollar at a garage sale. There's a rise in collectors, in their thirties, forties and fifties, who grew up watching these movies and are now driving the value up, in a similar way to the increase in popularity of vinyl in the music industry. Formats that had been overlooked for years have become part of popular culture again. Heritage Auctions highlights the case of Rocky videotapes that were the "centerpieces" of the recent February VHS event. His father James decided to make a time capsule for him to open 40 years later. In , when Bubba opened the capsule or what his father called "a small gift" , he found that the trunk was filled with old magazines, tapes, road maps, catalogs and more. It turned out the VHS copies were all original drawer-box copies, making them extremely rare.

If you had the foresight to buy a copy back in the '80s and hide it away in a box for decades, you might be vhs videos worth money to fund your next vacation with it, vhs videos worth money. When the movie was released on VHS sometime later, there were several companies that took it upon themselves to release the then-controversial movie. But are VHS tapes really worth anything, and is it really as easy as throwing your dusty collection of movies on eBay and waiting for the cash to roll in?

The value of VHS tapes dependent on many factors - including films that have never been released on DVD or Bluray, special editions and limited releases. For example, Disney would release titles for a short period of time before withdrawing them - which can make these tapes rare and scarce, and therefore potentially valuable. That's because mistakes aren't common - which makes these tapes scarce, and collectors are more likely to pay a price for them. Now, films are rated in terms of how age appropriate they are - U films are suitable for younger kids, while 18 films should be watched by adults. Tracy stresses though that, while selling your old videos is a great way to make extra cash, crazy prices are mostly a myth. When it comes to Disney, keep your eye out for the classics — they will have a black diamond on the spine, and were released from the first was Robin Hood and The Fox and the Hound was the last.

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Vhs videos worth money

But are VHS tapes really worth anything, and is it really as easy as throwing your dusty collection of movies on eBay and waiting for the cash to roll in? Well, as it turns out, there are a handful of tapes that could equate to a pretty good payday. And they are actually worth money. Watch it.

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Found a copy of "Let It Be" in your basement? You'll just have to watch this s classic and find out. The film has never been released on any other physical medium, and odds are, it never will be. Considered to be one of the first true "gore" movies, this s classic was certainly ahead of its time. Privacy Policy Feedback. Newsletter sign up Newsletter. The classic Japanese "My Neighbor Totoro" was translated for an American audience in and quickly won over the hearts of families across the country. The original "Star Wars" trilogy was a work of cinematic brilliance. New titanium mine just 3 miles miles from Georgia wildlife refugee center sparks outrage among locals who You could be sitting on a gold mine. While the movie starring Viggo Mortensen itself is very easy to find on other mediums, the fact that it is the last major VHS release makes collectors view this release as a must-have.

While many were quick to trash or donate their old VHS tapes after new forms of technology emerged, others held onto what would one day become a token of history and possibly a way to earn a substantial amount of money.

Sure, this one is pretty niche, but the story of the wandering ballad singer that is "The Legend of Hillbilly John" is apparently quite the hot-ticket item among collectors. The most sellable VHS tapes are the ones that were released between and and are still in their original factory shrink wrap. It reduces strain on both the VCR and the tape. That's how an average Joe well, Jeff ends up on a quest to save a kidnapped woman, bringing his goofy friends along for the ride. The vast scale of Earth's e-waste: 62 million tonnes of phones, TVs and vapes were discarded worldwide in Privacy Policy Feedback. When Maverick, played by Tom Cruise, attends the school, his arrogance quickly gets him into hot water with the other pilots. But there's a catch e-mail Many VHS tapes can be bought fairly easily, oftentimes for no more than a dollar. Who is this furball? It's no surprise that one of the most expensive VHS tapes ever sold is a copy of Star Wars that predates the many subsequent re-releases and the alterations that came with them. One hundred and one puppies sound like a dream to kids and a nightmare to most parents. Emmet Walsh dead aged Knives Out and Blade Runner actor passes away after legendary decades-long career in Hollywood This year's hot trend is savoury Easter eggs, but do you really want to trade a hunk of chocolate for cheese?

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