videos de ronaldinho

Videos de ronaldinho

He is known by the nickname " O Bruxo " "The Wizard". The season that followed is considered one of the best in his career as he was integral in Barcelona winning the —06 UEFA Champions Leaguetheir first in videos de ronaldinho years, and another La Liga title, giving Ronaldinho his first career doublevideos de ronaldinho, receiving the Ballon d'Or and his second FIFA World Player of the Year in the process, videos de ronaldinho. Due to these successes, Ronaldinho is widely credited with changing the history of Barcelona. Following a second-place La Liga finish to Real Madrid in the —07 season and an injury-plagued —08 seasonRonaldinho suffered a decline in his performances—often put down to a decrease in dedication and focus having achieved so much in the sport—and departed Barcelona to join AC Milanwhere he won the —11 Serie A.

Smile on his face, magic in his boots. Ronaldinho was more than a footballer. He was a showman. An artist. A performer, who felt it was his responsibility and an equally important part of his job to entertain the crowd as it was to win the game. No player had the audacity and skill-set to enter the world's most high-pressure football matches and play like he was on the school playground.

Videos de ronaldinho


He scored 16 goals in eight games. Pitch International LLP. Retrieved 7 June


Was there a more entertaining footballer to watch than Ronaldinho? Sure you could say Messi or Ronaldo, or plenty of other players. But honestly, are they really more exotic or creative on the pitch than Ronaldinho? Do they have that unmistaken flair? I don't think so.

Videos de ronaldinho

His career was more than just a collection of highlight reels; it was a testament to the artistry and flair that can exist in sports. Born on March 21, , in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Ronaldo de Assis Moreira —better known as Ronaldinho—grew up in a family deeply passionate about football. Displaying an early talent for the sport, he became a standout among his peers, honing his skills on the futsal courts—an environment credited for his remarkable touch and close control. His dazzling play caught the attention of media and the nation. This was the point when the young virtuoso began to pen his name into the annals of potential football greatness. Here, he quickly cemented his reputation as a rising star with a predilection for the spectacular.

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Retrieved 19 December Ronaldinho broke the internet. He made a great gesture in saying he wasn't being the player he felt he could be right now. After a good start to the season, Ronaldinho struggled with fitness, and was often played from the bench to end a disappointing first season for Milan. Retrieved 26 September In July , 57 properties belonging to Ronaldinho along with his Brazilian and Spanish passports were confiscated because of unpaid taxes and fines. Archived from the original on 21 January He was greeted by more than 20, fans at his unveiling at his new club on 13 January Retrieved 15 September Archived from the original on 24 November Archived from the original on 6 October Archived from the original on 22 April

He is known by the nickname " O Bruxo " "The Wizard".

Retrieved 23 November ESPN Deportes. Archived from the original on 11 February On the eve of the final, Ronaldo , Rivaldo and Ronaldinho warmed up in the Yokohama Stadium by merrily trying to out-wizard each other in the Japanese drizzle. Archived from the original on 22 July This aggravated the hard feelings of many Brazilian fans, who believed that they were betrayed by the lack of effort from the squad. Earlier that year, Ronaldinho led Brazil to win the Pre-Olympic Tournament , scoring nine goals in seven matches. Retrieved 16 May He will leave a rather forlorn figure. Archived from the original on 3 April

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