Videos of squirrels for cats

Catching Fish 1 Hour Version. Mice in The Jerry Mouse Hole. From entertaining cat videos to informative tutorials, videos have the power to captivat

No doubt your kitty is delighted to have found a safe and comfortable haven in your home. There is plenty of food, warmth and, fortunately, not a lot of danger lurking around the corner of the living room. But the bliss of a sheltered lifestyle has a downside for your cat — there is just not as much exciting stuff to meow about. Luckily you can recreate the thrill of the outdoors without leaving the couch with a few well-picked videos for cats. All you need is a device connected to the internet and a screen protector to keep it scratch-free in case your cat gets too excited. But before we delve into the fun world of bird videos for cats and other feline entertainment, you may be wondering what cats make of the digital world before their eyes. Some videos are particularly designed for cats to watch and enjoy.

Videos of squirrels for cats


If your cat's obsessed with string, they'll have tonnes of fun trying to swat along to this video.


No doubt your kitty is delighted to have found a safe and comfortable haven in your home. There is plenty of food, warmth and, fortunately, not a lot of danger lurking around the corner of the living room. But the bliss of a sheltered lifestyle has a downside for your cat — there is just not as much exciting stuff to meow about. Luckily you can recreate the thrill of the outdoors without leaving the couch with a few well-picked videos for cats. All you need is a device connected to the internet and a screen protector to keep it scratch-free in case your cat gets too excited.

Videos of squirrels for cats

While it may be a relatively recent phenomenon, videos for cats have become super popular in recent years, particularly with more people working from home and looking for ways to keep their feline furkids entertained so that they don't video bomb every team meeting! And what exactly is a video for cats we hear you ask? Well, that's a good question. Basically, you can expect hours of footage featuring mice, squirrels, birds or sometimes all three , as well as various moving string games that will have your kitty pawing at the screen. While it's not exactly the kind of TV you want to curl up with at the end of a long hard day, it's definitely the sort of thing that will appeal to your fur baby, and when you're too busy or tired to whip out the best cat toys , popping a video on can be a great way of providing them with some mental stimulation. And if you're worried that time spent in front of the screen might do your kitty damage, don't be. In much the same way that i ndoor games for dogs can help ease boredom for our canine companions, videos for cats can do the same thing. But with so much choice available, it could be easy to spend hours in the YouTube vortex! To help make your search quicker and easier, we've rounded up our favorite videos for cats, all of which are the purr-fect virtual babysitter for those days when you don't have as much time as you'd like to spend with your little one. Despite the title, the photographer from Cornwall captured almost nine hours of British garden birds and the occasional grey squirrel popping in and out of frame to grab a snack from a bird table.

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Related articles. The best mouse solo performance Previous Next. Camilo Fonseca. This video features possibly the cutest mouse ever nibbling on a few nuts. Watch on. Discover our range of cat food. All you need is a device connected to the internet and a screen protector to keep it scratch-free in case your cat gets too excited. It can relax your kitten or puppy and minimize separation anxiety When introducing bird videos to your cat, be patient and observe their reaction. Pawing at the screen is a common cat reaction to this bird treasure trove, so watch out for the sake of your digital devices. The aim of these videos for cats is to recreate a slice of the natural world to entertain but also to provide the much needed visual stimulation that keeps their instincts sharp. Spot learns to play fetch.


From entertaining cat videos to informative tutorials, videos have the power to captivat Discover our range of cat food. Play all. This fascinating video will have you and your cat equally mesmerised. Sign me up. It's Cat TV for cats, the source of peace, 8 hours of calming video for cats, dogs, or anyone to enjoy. Funny pets No need to say more. Thank you for subscribing and helping me try to keep these videos uninterrupted by ADs. Ideally, Daisy and I would live in a sprawling home with outdoor space If you work fro Mouse For Cats. My gazebo sunflower seed bird feeder served as the perfect feeding station, making this feeding frenzy a birdwatchers' delight. The favourite cast includes mice, fish or birds.

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