vintage condoms

Vintage condoms

Vintage Condom Packages Vintage condoms out the artwork and learn more about the wildlife featured on previous Endangered Species Condoms packages. All packages designed by Lori Lieber.

A selection of vintage condoms images from ep. Trojan is ridiculously boring. Those NYC-brand condoms were kind of a flop pun, lol. With the added advantage of nostalgia, these vintage condoms manage to be both classy and funny. You could spice up your prophylactic life, though, by purchasing a vintage condom tin and storing your contemporary condoms in it.

Vintage condoms

Below you will find a free auction based price guide for antique condom and prophylactic advertising and tin printed on tin, paper and cardboard. Items include vintage condom tins, Advertising signs, condom displays, and all general antique condom and prophylactic items. Antique advertising collectors decorate their homes, bathrooms,garages and offices with these pieces. Antique collectors also collect antique condoms as part of antique medicine collections. All items in our antique price guide list the full price a customer has actually paid. This includes both the hammer price and buyers premium for each item in an actual auction. We have also included the date of sale for your reference as prices change over time. Feel free to contact us if you have any vintage tins you are looking to buy or sell. Items are sorted alphabetically, but you can also sort by price or other means using the drop down box below this text. Back to products Condoms. Home Condoms Showing 1—24 of results. Show sidebar. Show 12 24 48 Antique Condoms and Prophylactics Below you will find a free auction based price guide for antique condom and prophylactic advertising and tin printed on tin, paper and cardboard.

This inch-tall, vintage condoms, curly-tailed fish occurs only in shallow seagrass areas in the Gulf of Mexico, along the Atlantic Coast of Florida and in the Caribbean. By Lagardo Tackett. Show 12 24 48

Safe Sex. Horse Sweater. The Rat Pack. Mail Holder. You Only Live Twice. Hair Dryer. Warhol Mercedes.

Safe Sex. Horse Sweater. The Rat Pack. Mail Holder. You Only Live Twice. Hair Dryer.

Vintage condoms

They came in tins with rather amusing names and packaging: Sheikh, Saxon, Peacock, Ramses and other exotic-sounding names. Few items are as ubiquitous these days as the condom; found in pretty much every country on the planet, available from the biggest supermarkets to the smallest corner stores. Almost everyone over a certain age knows what these little latex items are for and how to use them. The armies of other countries would have to wait a few more decades before their enlisted men would be provided with condoms to prevent the spread of venereal diseases, outbreaks of which have followed and occasionally crippled armies throughout history. Early condoms, made out of treated linen or animal intestines, were not particularly effective at controlling the spread of venereal diseases. It was only later in the 19th century when condoms began to be made of rubber that they became effective at stopping sexually transmitted infections. Venereal diseases had significant effects on Europe and later America , particularly from the s onward after the emergence of syphilis which is thought to have originated in the New World. It has been recognized for many centuries that armies, particularly those deployed in foreign territories, are particularly susceptible to the scourge of STDs. Large numbers of men on the march, away from their wives and girlfriends for months or even years at a time, coupled with camp followers and prostitutes eager to capitalize on the vast number of potential clients make army camps and garrisons ideal breeding grounds for venereal diseases. Fast forward a couple centuries and the outbreaks of venereal diseases among troops were becoming more serious and larger than ever.

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By Steve Kaufman. It was put on the endangered species list in the Northwest in and the Southwest in The accumulation of real objects slippers, condoms. This includes both the hammer price and buyers premium for each item in an actual auction. Adam Rolston. Back to products Condoms. Save Search. Steve Kaufman Campbell. Polar Bear. Category Midth Century Vintage Condoms.

A selection of vintage condoms images from ep.

Vintage boxes have so many uses, they look great and can be used for storage or even as plant pots , while adding quirky character to your interior. Bench Saw Vintage. He also used his art to promote racial equality and advocate for an end to. The western snowy plover's habitat of open, sandy beaches is prime target for increasingly destructive human activity. This collectible piece was a. Front image: a photo of Keit Keith Haring cover art Keith Haring new school. Free Shipping. By La Gardo Tackett. We have created the perfect colour finish and each box is polished to a shine. Items are sorted alphabetically, but you can also sort by price or other means using the drop down box below this text. By Lagardo Tackett. Kyle Chayka. Artwork by Roger Peet. Offset lithogr

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