voldemort memes

Voldemort memes

Rowling, or how much you admire the directing skills voldemort memes Chris Columbus or Alfonso Cuaron or any other director of the Harry Potter film franchise. Perhaps the most questionable part of the entire Harry Potter series is Lord Voldemort, voldemort memes.

Being a Dark Lord in the Wizarding World in the Harry Potter franchise is not as simple as doing the most evil stuff possible. However, Voldemort just had to do it and has tried for seven years straight to no avail. Statistically, that makes him the worst Dark Lord ever in the history of pop culture fandoms. Such an unofficial title has even made him the butt of many jokes and memes. Most of them point out his lack of olfactory organs but there are also those that highlight his failure at being a Dark Lord.

Voldemort memes

Although the Harry Potter movie franchise premiered between and , it's not uncommon for diehard fans to continue re-watching the movies in and beyond. The movies are all adaptations of books written by J. They're arguably some of the most well-written books and films of all time. Since the storyline she created takes place in a magical realm, it's easy for readers and viewers to get lost in the magic of it all. Harry Potter stories wouldn't be as interesting without a feisty villain in the mix, though. That villain happens to be Lord Voldemort. When rewatching the movies, it's safe to say that he's not exactly all that intimidating. This meme roundup will remind you that Lord Voldemort isn't the worst, villain ever, nor is he a villain that should have you shaking in your boots. He did everything in his power to take Harry down, but he was never going to be successful in his mission. Log In. Posted by Stephanie Harper. Via Pinterest.

That brings us to the double meme here which also celebrates the durability of the Nokiaa legend among mobile devices - something that could have ensured Voldemort's eternal life, voldemort memes. Follow The Laughs.


I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Luckily, the movies based on J. After all, with a franchise as beloved as Harry Potter , it seems only natural for fans to continually be looking for ways to reference the series in everyday interactions.

Voldemort memes

Being a Dark Lord in the Wizarding World in the Harry Potter franchise is not as simple as doing the most evil stuff possible. However, Voldemort just had to do it and has tried for seven years straight to no avail. Statistically, that makes him the worst Dark Lord ever in the history of pop culture fandoms.


So as not to disturb Harry while he took his O. Still, it did give his enemies a lot more time to prepare themselves or even learn some spells to easily counter Voldemort's own army. Ralph Fiennes plays Lord Voldemort, and it is hard to wrap our heads around such a thought. Well, as it turns out, he then had to spend more or less a year on an incompetent minion's head, namely Professor Quirrell. How the Wizarding World chose a name for a Dark Lord so deplorable they don't want to mention his name is one of the most memorable and questionable things in Harry Potter. Who knows, they could have put a charm on it that bars a certain Dark Lord from entering. Then, when you look at a photo of the terrifying and ugly Lord Voldemort, you cannot imagine him as anything other than what he looks like: hairless, nose-less, evil, and possessing very yellowing teeth. He did not understand love and he was shallow. Voldemort was a man of symbols and appearance. In terms of his plan to take out Harry, it turns out Voldemort was always considerate enough to wait until the end of the school year before proceeding with his world domination.

Where would Harry be without Voldemort? Neither could have existed without the other and Voldemort may have been a pain in the butt most of the time, but he was also one of the most popular characters. Luckily, we have these memes to help us.

Fans and haters alike emitted a unanimous shudder during the Battle of Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2 when Voldemort and Draco Malfoy shared one of the strangest, most awkward hugs in film history. Like, his diary — really, Tom? As fans of the series, we have been able to objectively see Voldemort for who he is from the beginning — clearly entirely incapable of ending a tween! Besides, the things he did weren't even that bad to warrant the fear attached to his moniker. Come to think of it, Barty Crouch Jr. Via Pinterest. What was the reasoning behind this? Rowling for the scene, either, given that it was completely out of character and not written into the books. Of course Voldemort passed up this golden opportunity for his love and obsession of symbols and ceremony, but it proved to be a fatal mistake. Given all of these qualities combined, one would think that his enemies and he had many would prey on his insecurities in an attempt to weaken him. Search engine algorithms are weird and can be misunderstood.

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