walmart funniest pictures

Walmart funniest pictures

Funny you should ask.

These People of Walmart pictures are great if you need a pick me up or just something to make you smile. It's almost as if they were taken on another planet in another galaxy. Such are some of the sartorial choices. But no, these are all taken on planet earth, for these are the People of Walmart, a specific type of person who frequents that store and who seem to like pushing the boundaries when it comes to what to wear. Perhaps on a catwalk at a Paris fashion show these kind fo peoplr people would be seen as the bleeding edge avant-garde, setting trends and styles that would be the talk of this season's fashion trends, kings and queens of the fashion elite, but inside a hypermarket these people of Walmart just come across as, well, a little bit out of the ordinary. Actually a LOT out of the ordinary. It makes you wonder what's going on in their life and at home.

Walmart funniest pictures


Traditionally, you eat duck that night.


People are weird, aren't they? One moment they're doing something totally normal, and the next, they're doing something that makes no sense whatsoever. Have you ever tried to figure out why they're acting so strange? Good luck - it's like trying to find an answer in a locked box. Or sign in with email. Need an account?

Walmart funniest pictures

These People of Walmart pictures are great if you need a pick me up or just something to make you smile. It's almost as if they were taken on another planet in another galaxy. Such are some of the sartorial choices.

Ornery meaning

Or evolving into a species that will one day overtake human beings. And by it, I mean his mom in a shopping cart. They sell everything at this store! Even when he sleeps he can scare a few people who thought he was a human baby being swaddled. Not sure why you would dress like this while going about your day. I feel naked without multiple layers on. Who needs to buy a hammock, when the carts are free? I also wonder if anyone grabbed a bag of rice and started throwing it. Still… why? If no one in my family can afford to get them for me, however, I will settle for a pair of knockoffs.

Funny you should ask. Walmart is still where people are free. Walmart is still America, Jack!

Bring the whole family. You could protect yourself with a thick piece of hair. Reptiles are cool. Plunging into the darkest depths of human existence. They might just be plungers they found in the bathrooms. No, no, no. I might not even notice the person hiding under the raw meat until I uncovered his face. He deserves a break. One hand for the ferret, ask a person near you to get your groceries. I was stuffing it for medical reasons, not to show off!

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