ware smith funeral home in midland

Ware smith funeral home in midland

Edith Maria Anders died June 9, She was born May 15,in Munich Germany. During World War II she and her family escaped from the air raids on her hometown and moved to Weilheim where she graduated from Oberrealschule high school in

It was back in when we first opened our doors not knowing where it would takes us. We only knew that we were committed to provide a level of care to those in our community. As we worked to meet this goal time has ushered us into our 50th year as the oldest name in funeral service in the Midland community. We may not know where the next 50 years will take us but we know that being true to our commitment is the foundation of our success and encourages us to improve each and every day. We cannot measure the trust placed in us by the families we have served over the years, we can only express to them our deepest appreciation for allowing us to be there for them. I feel completely awkward writing a review for a funeral home here I had an uncle pass away unexpectedly in an auto accident and coming from a background in funeral service, I was impressed by

Ware smith funeral home in midland


Carl Eric Grebe, 99, of Midland, passed away on Aug. Business services, nec, nec, Services, nec, nec.


Add a Memory. Send Flowers. Share Obituary. Guest Book. Wheeler St.

Ware smith funeral home in midland

Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools. Funeral Homes. Friday, March 22,

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That includes our nationally recognized HigherPath senior health model. Think of it as your loved one's safety net — a proactive care team that's all about helping them live happier, healthier — longer. Fri AM - PM. Tue AM - PM. Get your loved one on the HigherPath! John's Lutheran Church in and remained a lifelong member. Mary Lenore Fitch Obituary. Carl Eric Grebe, 99, of Midland, passed away on Aug. Imagine your loved one enjoying delicious, scratch-made meals, having a friendly caregiver always nearby, and a calendar chock-full of social activities. Opens at AM. Shirley married William C. Norma Maude Schneider Obituary. He served seven years with the National Guard.

Located in Midland, Michigan, Ware-Smith-Woolever Funeral Home is a respected establishment offering compassionate and professional end-of-life services.

Shirley married William C. Services, nec, nec, General counseling services. Mildred Sirrine Obituary. Clarence Frank David Clare Obituary. Claim this funeral home. Carl was confirmed at St. Opens at AM. We offer residential excavation and digging for almost any project. I feel completely awkward writing a review for a funeral home here The former Mildred Campau married Close Search Modal. Mary Lenore Fitch, 88, was born on Jan. She spent her last ten years living with her son, Doug, and daughter-in-law, Victoria, at her cottage on Green Lake in Interlochen. Our team of skilled painters can help you with a variety of needs from faux finishes to staining services. Common services we offer clients are basement digging, foundation excavation, land clearing, material hauling, retention pond development, driveways and parkin

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