ware smith woolever funeral home obituaries

Ware smith woolever funeral home obituaries

Edith Maria Anders died June 9, She was born May 15,in Munich Germany. During World War II she and her family escaped from the air raids on her hometown and moved to Weilheim where she graduated from Oberrealschule high school in

Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools. Funeral Homes. Friday, August 18,

Ware smith woolever funeral home obituaries


John George Mayer Jr. They lived most of their life in Midland. She did graduate


Add a Memory. Send Flowers. Share Obituary. Guest Book. Wheeler St. Midland, Michigan. A funeral service will be held on Friday, July 14, , at am at St. John's Lutheran Church, E. Carpenter St. Cremation will take place after the funeral with a private burial at a later date.

Ware smith woolever funeral home obituaries

Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools.

Brunch at teds

Saturday, July 22, Friday, June 30, Search by Name. Submit An Obituary Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy. Donald M. Stories per page 15 25 50 Sirrine worked for The Dow Mervin Mitchell Sirrine Obituary. Brian Scott Bromley, 57, of Grand Rapids, passed away unexpectedly on June 21, from an apparent heart condition. The Rev. Result Type. Tuesday, May 23, Saturday, March 18,

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Norma M. Bromley Obituary. Visitation will take place on Saturday at 10 a. Norma was born Feb. Clarence Frank "Clare" David, 81, of Williamsburg, passed away on Thursday, March 12, in Grand Rapids, in the presence of his family who loved him most. Shirley married William C. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Mary was educated in Jackson and graduated from Michigan State University in with a bachelor's degree in elementary education. Edith Maria Anders died June 9, Leo grew up in Traverse City and at an early age traveled to Edenville to farm with his brother Percy.

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