watto star wars

Watto star wars

Content approaching, watto star wars. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. In his youth, he served as a soldier in the Watto star wars Confederacy Army on his homeworld of Toydariabut later left after sustaining permanently damaging injuries. Making his way to Tatooine, he fell in with the Jawa natives of the planet, and learned how to trade from them.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage.

Watto star wars

But, even if they weren't directly involved on Coruscant, teaching Anakin how to use the Force and practicing with him the techniques of lightsaber dueling, certain characters still played a role in his eventual rise in the Republic as a Jedi General and beyond. One character who might actually wish they hadn't provided Anakin with a path to fulfilling his destiny as a Jedi was the junk dealer Toydarian, Watto. In Star Wars , Watto lived on Tatooine, and was the last owner of Anakin and his mother, Shmi, before they were both eventually freed from being slaves at his parts shop in Mos Espa. Watto had only two major appearances in the Star Wars storyline: one in The Phantom Menace , and another briefly in Attack of the Clones. Nonetheless, if it weren't for Watto's gambling problem and greed, Anakin would be stuck on Tatooine for his childhood, and who knows how his story would have gone. He was the owner of two slaves: a woman named Shmi Skywalker, and her son Anakin. Anakin was an exceptional machinist , being Watto's primary droid technician and even a gifted podracer. Watto owned his own parts store named Watto's Junkshop, and he made additional money from his frequent gambling, primarily for the many podracing events that occurred in Mos Espa. However, he lacked sufficient credits to pay for it, and suggested betting money on Anakin to win the Boonta Eve Classic podrace. If Qui-Gon were to win, he would obtain the parts he needed, as well as custody of Anakin , while Watto would keep the money won in the bet. Watto eventually agreed. Anakin went on to win the race, and Watto was obliged to honor the deal. Although Watto was just gambling and making deals for parts as he always did, his role in The Phantom Menace is crucial to the Skywalker Saga. He sensed the overwhelming presence of the Midi-chlorians that led him to believe Anakin was the Chosen One as foretold in the Jedi prophecy.

He acquires them after winning a podracing bet with Gardulla the Hutt, and he puts them both to work in his store.

Watto : How's-a you gonna pay for all this, eh? Qui-Gon Jinn : I have twenty thousand Republic dataries. Watto : Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here, I need something more real. Qui-Gon Jinn : I don't have anything else Qui-Gon Jinn : But credits will do fine. Watto : No, they won't-a.

The "Star Wars" prequels bring up a lot of things for people. Some grew up with the original trilogy and didn't love the backstory for Darth Vader. Others saw their first "Star Wars" film with "The Phantom Menace" and fell in love with the franchise because of it. Whatever side you fall on, or even if you rest somewhere in the middle, there are a few parts of the prequels that are largely considered problematic. The character has been accused of perpetuating harmful stereotypes , and while I won't go into that here, there is at least one nice story about Watto.

Watto star wars

Watto : Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here. I need something more real. Watto : No, they won't-a!

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Despite his initial success, however, he was not satisfied, and was convinced that either his slaves were lazy, or Jawas were sneaking into his yard and stealing merchandise. The Clone Wars Jane Prettyman of American Review noted that after leaving the theater, she heard two young boys describe him as "that weird little Jew guy with wings". Once the spacers had completed their task, Watto began aiding them in recovering the droid. Tutorials Editing sandbox Things to do Status article nominations Featured article nominations Good article nominations Comprehensive article nominations. Claiming the need to have time to think about such a transaction, Watto bade Gardulla goodbye, and immediately began plotting to get Anakin back. The spacers returned victorious, the diagnostic controller in their possession. He kept Shmi Skywalker around to aid him, although he gradually treated her less as a slave, and more as an assistant although still unpaid and forced to stay. Qui-Gon immediately requested parts for a J-type Nubian craft, and, since Watto was familiar with the Nubian make, he was all too happy to oblige. Anakin was skilled at bartering, making him a suitable candidate for the task. The individual, however, did not possess the money needed to buy the parts, and so Watto told Zeppo to inform him of the ways to earn the necessary sum.

He is computer-generated and is voiced by voice actor Andy Secombe. He is a mean-tempered, greedy Toydarian , and owner of a second-hand goods store in Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine.

He was eventually have him trained as a Jedi Knight , with the knowledge that he is the long foretold Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force. However, Watto sometimes showed flashes of compassion: he allowed Anakin to go home early if he finished all his assigned tasks and Shmi to perform certain quieter duties at the comfort of her private work station. One day, Skywalker was tasked with repairing a DUM-series pit droid. Years later, Watto sold Shmi to the moisture farmer Cliegg Lars , who bought her to live with him on his moisture farm , [6] after he lost a gambling game to the farmer. He became one of Tatooine's many slave owners, and made a lucrative business for himself. Watto understood that he was not a popular figure in Mos Espa—popularity itself mattered little to him. Watto was less than pleased with the development, but he decided not to reprimand Shmi, instead opting to have her clean the memory chips of a used navicomputer. They added that he was "no prince" for his unscrupulous deals. Qui-Gon Jinn : I don't have anything else It might have proved more difficult for the Jedi to leave Tatooine with young Skywalker, had he been in the possession of another slave owner. Watto eventually fell into Jabba Desilijic Tiure's debt, and was unable to pay it off. The two weights were labelled "other people's incompetence," and "my own rotten luck. Either way, you win. Films i have seen and loved.

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