What movies did harvey weinstein produce

Profession Producer, actor, director. Close Ad.

In , Weinstein and his brother, Bob Weinstein , co-founded the entertainment company Miramax , which produced several successful independent films including Sex, Lies, and Videotape ; The Crying Game ; Pulp Fiction ; Heavenly Creatures ; Flirting with Disaster ; and Shakespeare in Love He was co-chairman , alongside Bob, from to In October , following sexual abuse allegations dating back to the late s, Weinstein was dismissed from his company and expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. More than 80 women made allegations of sexual harassment or rape against Weinstein by October In May , Weinstein was arrested and charged with rape in New York and then in February , he was found guilty of two of five felony counts. On July 20, , he was extradited to Los Angeles to face further charges at a subsequent trial, where he was found guilty of three of seven charges on December 19, Weinstein's longtime friend, Jonathan A.

What movies did harvey weinstein produce

The film, financed by Weinstein's studio Miramax and directed by Quentin Tarantino , was nominated for seven Oscars. Tarantino went on to work with Miramax, and later The Weinstein Company, on more films. Thurman said she then arranged a meeting with Weinstein and said: "If you do what you did to me to other people you will lose your career, your reputation and your family, I promise you. Click through to see more of the movies that for years made Weinstein one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. Sorvino said that in , Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed her, massaging her shoulders and "chasing" her around. She also said that Weinstein once showed up at her door after midnight, and only left when she told him her boyfriend was coming. Sorvino told the New Yorker that she believes her career has suffered because of the incident. Later, Peter Jackson confirmed this was true. Gwyneth Paltrow was 22 when she was cast in her first major role in Miramax's "Emma. Paltrow told The New York Times that at the time, Weinstein put his hands on her and suggested they head to his hotel bedroom for massages. She said she rejected his advances and told then-boyfriend Brad Pitt, who confronted Weinstein. Pitt's rep confirmed her account to the Times. Weinstein was behind both highbrow, critically acclaimed movies and commercially successful blockbusters. He was an executive producer for "Scream" and its sequels.

Shanghai … Executive Producer. Login to create it. Celebrities were asked to wear Marchesa the label of his then-partner and later then-wife, Georgina Chapman at least once if they were cast in a Weinstein movie.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. He has been married and divorced twice; most recently from Georgina Chapman and previously from Eve Chilton. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. He has been married and divorced twice; most recently from Georgina Chapman and previously from Eve Chilton. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list.

What movies did harvey weinstein produce

The Weinstein Company or TWC is one of the oldest and most successful corporate bodies in the industry. With its string of box-office successes and gradual construct towards works of art, the now-disgraced name company certainly counts for a lot. The production banner has made some really memorable films, primarily producing for hard-core action movies and box-office conquerers. Here is the list of top movies produced by Harvey Weinstein. You can watch many of these best Weinstein movies on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon prime. But the heart of the story, the fairytale of Saroo, is what makes this a humbling and cathartic experience. When a young, illiterate boy is lost on a train, he ends up in an estranged place. Unable to recall the name of his hometown, Saroo is dumped in an orphanage, until an Australian couple picks him up. Years later, now a charming, educated man, Saroo uses Google Earth to recall his place of origin and reunite with his mother.

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Kill Bill: Vol. See also: Miramax. This list related to film, television, or video is incomplete ; you can help by adding missing items. October Weinstein decided to screen the film at the festival only after he was lobbied by star Michael Caine , who threatened to boycott publicity for another film he had made for Miramax. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind … Executive Producer. Georgina Chapman. Ready to Wear … Executive Producer. Now what? Restoration … Co-Producer.

List of popular Harvey Weinstein movies, listed here by prominence with movie trailers when available. Various bits of information about these films are included with each film, such as the actors that starred in them and who directed them. This list of famous films Harvey Weinstein produced includes both blockbusters and independent movies.

Retrieved October 27, Rodeo Girls. New York City. Retrieved October 11, Daily Variety. Sorvino told the New Yorker that she believes her career has suffered because of the incident. Derailed … Executive Producer. The New York Times. Apollo 18 … Executive Producer. I'm Crazy About Iris Blond.

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