who is jason todd

Who is jason todd

Jason's current alias, the Red Hood, was taken from the Red Hood Gang facing them was what brought him into contact with Talia and first set him on the path towards becoming a costumed vigilante, who is jason todd. Raised in the slums of the poor side of Gotham CityJason Todd was a dark haired boy and the son of a petty criminal named Willis Todd.

First appearing in Batman in March , [3] he was created to succeed Dick Grayson as Robin , Batman 's partner and sidekick. Initially sharing a similar origin to Grayson, his character's origin was rewritten after the Crisis on Infinite Earths event. Following Max Allan Collins 's revamping of Todd's origin story in Batman —, the character was written by Jim Starlin , who had him become increasingly aggressive and reckless. This led DC Comics to conduct a telephone poll concerning the storyline " A Death in the Family " to determine whether the character should die at the Joker 's hands. The poll ended with a narrow majority of votes in favor of killing Todd, resulting in his death.

Who is jason todd

Jason became the second Robin after Dick Grayson became Nightwing and Batman was in need of a new sidekick. Jason was trained by Bruce, and was his partner until his death at the hands of the Joker. He eventually returned to Gotham City under the new alias Red Hood, using more lethal methods to fight crime. Jason Todd is the son of an unidentified woman and Willis Todd. However, he was raised believing that his mother was Catherine Todd. Jason had a troubled childhood due to his parents constantly arguing; his mother suffered from depression and drug addiction, and his father had been "showing him the ropes of thievery and conning" at a young age, which led him into trouble. He frequented the Lucius Fox Community Center, where he befriended Gabby Christiansen, a fellow "street kid" who persisted in helping him despite his reflexive standoffishness. He protected her from bullies and remembered her kindness fondly in adulthood. Once when he was a child, Jason's father stole tickets to Haly's Circus from an old couple in a parking lot and took Jason to see the show. That was the first time Jason ever saw Dick Grayson , and was positively awed by him.

With his newfound intelligence, Bizarro constructed the Outlaws a new invisible base for them to share in Gotham.

The storyline depicts an unnamed criminal wearing a red dome-shaped hood who, after a chance encounter with Batman , is disfigured by chemicals and becomes insane, giving birth to his future Joker persona. Five decades later, the identity was used again in the — story arc, Batman: Under the Hood , in which Jason Todd , Batman's second crime-fighting partner who had been killed by the Joker , comes back to life as a violent vigilante, using his killer's former alias. In The New 52 , a reboot of the DC Comics universe, one storyline introduces a criminal organization called the Red Hood Gang, and retroactively establishes the Joker prior to his transformation as its former leader, and Jason as a former member. Both the Joker and Jason Todd incarnations of the Red Hood, as well as the Red Hood Gang, have been adapted into several forms of media outside of comics, such as films, television series, and video games. While chased, he fell into a catch basin full of chemicals, which disfigured him, then escaped by swimming to safety a breathing apparatus inside the hood preventing him from drowning.

Though originally popular, following a revamping of his origin by Max Allan Collins, the Jason Todd version of Robin was not well received by fans. For 's Batman: A Death in the Family story-line, DC Comics held a telephone poll to determine whether or not the character would die at the hands of the Joker , Batman's arch nemesis. The character was killed off by a vote of — Subsequent Batman stories dealt with Batman's guilt over not being able to prevent Jason's death. However, in 's story arc Under the Hood the character was resurrected, eventually becoming the second Red Hood and assuming a new role as an antihero who resembles Batman in many ways, except with a willingness to use lethal force and weapons. The story, written by Judd Winick, concentrated on Jason Todd's lost years of globe-trotting and training after his death and resurrection before his return to Gotham. The initial version of Jason Todd had an origin that was a similar origin to the first Robin , Dick Grayson. Distinguished by his red hair as opposed to the black hair of Dick Grayson , Todd is unfailingly cheerful, wearing his circus costume to fight crime until Dick Grayson presents him with a Robin costume of his own.

Who is jason todd

This page includes spoiler details from the latest game in the series, Batman: Arkham Knight. Please proceed at your own risk. Jason Todd was a street orphan until he met Batman after he had saved him from The Joker. Jason was trained by Batman and later became the second Robin , but he was beaten and tortured by the Joker, who sent Batman a video of the event and lied by telling him that Jason was dead. Batman fell into a deep depression over Jason's "death". Years later, Jason returned, sought revenge against Batman, and utilized advanced technology and resources that he had acquired by pooled resources from his enemies. He even designed a high-tech "Batsuit" with capabilities as well as utilize lethal gadgetry and weapons during combat situations. Jason created the identity of the Arkham Knight , until his redemption and forgiveness at the hands of Batman. After he finally aided Batman against Scarecrow , Jason took up the title of the Red Hood , a name that was used by the Joker prior to his transformation.

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As they drove back together, Jason and Artemis admitted their true romantic feelings for one another, but ultimately they decided to part ways. However, when Superboy-Prime alters reality from the paradise dimension in which he is trapped—his punches against the barrier keeping him from the rest of the universe causing temporal ripples that create an overlap of parallel timelines Hypertime —Jason Todd is restored to life as he was meant to survive the Joker's assaults , breaks out of his coffin, and is eventually hospitalized; because he wandered so far from his grave before his discovery, no connection was ever drawn between the two events. Tim left after giving Jason a Justice League teleportation code he could use to escape. Dumas that operated there. It seems that it is the Beast! Jason was often driven by his anger and could be impulsive and reckless. One is the damage the virus is doing to his body. While Batman originally believed that Jason could be trained to be a hero, he eventually came to believe Jason's behavior was a detriment. O'Neil was quoted on the back cover of A Death in the Family trade paperback collecting the story with Todd's death as saying, "It would be a really sleazy stunt to bring him back. After his father went to prison, he had to find a way to provide for his mother and himself. Batman then asks why Jason never returned to him, Jack says that the Joker was jealous of Robin for knowing who Batman was and Jason hated him so much for making him Robin that he disappeared. Kori and Roy soon arrived and found Jason with his memory erased.

Tonight, Titans returns with its first season to debut exclusively on HBO Max…and what a promising season it is.

Jason left Bruce and visited his old bedroom, where he found and talked with Alfred. While Jason tries to pose, Batman remains as serious as ever. After devising a strategy, the pair eventually convince Bizarro to give up his addiction to Kryptonite and return to his old self. The close combat master intended to murder her own family. Batman tried to put Jason in a boarding school for troubled kids, but this did not work out for Jason as the owner of the school was actually running a training ground for youthful criminals. As his hunt proved unsuccessful, Jason returned to Gotham City. He knew all the right places to feed information so that Batman would hear about it, and he fabricated a story about a major gun buy going down in the city. While the two recover, Jason fills Artemis on his new plan. He held Dick off long enough for Barbara to arrive and take the crystal being used to control Dick. He would encounter Batman and Joker one more time, where Jason asked Bruce why he didn't kill Joker, and the two would battle until Joker set off explosives. He was trained for about six months before Batman decided he was ready to be a hero, only a pre-teen when he became a crime fighter.

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