who voices spongebob

Who voices spongebob

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. When Tom was young he was into comic books, drawing funny pictures and collecting records.

Sign In. Tim Hill Documentary Narrator voice. Clancy Brown Mr. Krabs voice. Bill Fagerbakke Patrick voice. Rodger Bumpass Squidward voice.

Who voices spongebob

Thomas James Kenny born July 13, is an American actor and comedian. Since , he has voiced the titular character in SpongeBob SquarePants and associated media. His live action work includes the comedy variety shows The Edge and Mr. His parents are Theresa Donigan and Paul Kenny. Kenny met Bobcat Goldthwait in first grade and they became lifelong friends. He and Goldthwait went to the event, and performed under the monikers Tomcat and Bobcat, respectively, as a tribute to Crimmins, after which Goldthwait used Bobcat as his stage name. He appeared in sketch comedy shows The Edge which aired on Fox from to , and Mr. Show which aired on HBO from to , both roles in the show were as a regular cast member. Kenny said that he voices "a lot of sweet yellow characters for some reason. Kind of like a Munchkin but not quite, kind of like a kid, but not in a Charlie Brown child's voice on the TV shows. Joe Murray chose Kenny for several roles on another of his projects, Camp Lazlo as Scoutmaster Lumpus and Slinkman, because Murray, after seeing Kenny's previous work for Rocko's Modern Life , felt that Kenny "adds writing to his roles" and "brings so much". He voiced Dog in CatDog , as well as the voice of Cliff. Wink in Codename: Kids Next Door. He voiced the character Squanchy on Rick and Morty.

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Let's hear it for the voice actors, who've been putting their hearts into the series since As the sponge himself, SpongeBob SquarePants. Kenny has a staggering IMDb credits to his name, most all of them voice acting. As Patrick Star. As Squidward.

Let's hear it for the voice actors, who've been putting their hearts into the series since As the sponge himself, SpongeBob SquarePants. Kenny has a staggering IMDb credits to his name, most all of them voice acting. As Patrick Star. As Squidward. As Mr. Most recently, he stepped in front of the camera on Billions and The Goldbergs. As Plankton. He often serves as a writer on the show, as well. As Fish 1.

Who voices spongebob

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. When Tom was young he was into comic books, drawing funny pictures and collecting records. Tom turned to stand-up comedy in Boston and San Francisco. Tom joined the cast of Mr. Show with Bob and David where he met his future wife Jill Talley. Contact info Agent info Resume.

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When Tom was young he was into comic books, drawing funny pictures and collecting records. Music Department. As Plankton. Michael Froton Zombie. Comfort Fedoke Dancer. Dee Bradley Baker Perch Perkins voice. Romy Cutler-Lengyel Additional Voices voice. Jill Talley Karen voice. For other people named Tom Kenny, see Tom Kenny disambiguation. Use limited data to select content. October 24,

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He also does voicework on American Dad! In other projects. Quotes People are always saying that I must have been the class clown, with all these voices. You may accept or manage your choices by clicking below, including your right to object where legitimate interest is used, or at any time in the privacy policy page. Matt Berry Poseidon voice. Known for:. Times Leader. Archived from the original on October 26, Archived from the original on April 6, Voice of Wheelie —present. Archived from the original on August 18, As Karen. Retrieved October 30, As Mrs. September 21,

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