Why sasuke didn t get his arm back

Sasuke is a prominent and multi-dimensional character in the Naruto franchise. He has played different roles throughout the series, including that of a villain, hero, and antihero. Additionally, Sasuke possesses impressive skills and abilities, making him one of the strongest characters in the series despite losing one of his arms. Sasuke lost his left arm during the final battle between Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto in episodeof Why sasuke didn t get his arm back Shippuden which was intended to settle their unfinished business once and for all.

One of the key elements with Sasuke going into Boruto is the fact that he only has one arm. It was a choice he made since regrowing it with Hashirama's cells would take months. Given that he was about to embark on a journey of both redemption and discovery, he didn't want to waste the time. It gives the character an interesting new wrinkle as he's had to adjust how he fights due to the loss of the appendage. For the most part, he's handled it very well, but there have been moments where he certainly wishes he had it back.

Why sasuke didn t get his arm back


He has played different roles throughout the series, including that of a villain, hero, and antihero. It'd be understandable if Sasuke's ninjutsu skills were lessened due to the loss of his arm as hand seals tended to need two hands to work effectively.


Well, no. He had the option to have. But for some reason, he decided to not take the option. Sasuke lost his left arm in a battle against Naruto, which is known as the final battle. They fought with their own ideal to save and destroy each other. Well, Naruto wanted to save his friend Sasuke, while Sasuke was trying to kill Naruto-his rival and only friend. At the very last of the fight, they both used their remaining energy to cast their Jutsu, Rasengan, and Chidori. When both attacks collide with each other, they both lost one of their arms. Yes, Naruto too lost one of his arms like Sasuke in the final battle.

Why sasuke didn t get his arm back

Sasuke losing his arm is a very thrilling tale, here we will be going deep into how this happened. After team 7 sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki and ended the war, it was time for them to undo the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Naruto decides to fight him and try to change his mind by defeating him one last time. Sasuke leads the way to the iconic Final Valley where phenomenal battles have happened. And thus, both Naruto and Sasuke go to face each other which may be their final battle. This is not an exaggeration by any means, Naruto vs Sasuke is one of the most Iconic and anticipated battles of all time in Anime history. And the fight between them lives up to the hype.

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While Sasuke constantly being drained of chakra was rather annoying, he showed off some impressive abilities, such as the Kirin shown above. Teaching and Sasuke don't go together very well as he freely admits he's not the best at conveying things verbally as Kakashi is. Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness, if you've found a possible error, be it factual, editorial or something that needs updating, please contact us. Who Is J. With the Otsutsuki's abilities to negate ninjutsu, it puts Sasuke in a bind as he can only do so much while essentially being at half strength. He has played different roles throughout the series, including that of a villain, hero, and antihero. In his battles with the three Otsutsuki, Sasuke has pulled out some interesting and flashy abilities. This was a clear animation error, as the producers of the show failed to remember that Sasuke was supposed to have only one arm. Throughout most of the series, Sasuke was shown to be an intellectual fighter who always used his brain in battle. It gives the character an interesting new wrinkle as he's had to adjust how he fights due to the loss of the appendage.

When Naruto went back to the village, Lady Tsunade examined his lost arm and wound. She healed them and prepared a prosthetic arm for Naruto. We all know, that Tsunade took the cells of Hashirama because If one loses an appendage, one can use the Hashirama Cells to replace those damaged limbs.

With only one arm, Sasuke had to adapt his fighting style, relying more on taijutsu and ninjutsu that could be performed with one arm. While Sasuke and Naruto were using their signature techniques — the Chidori and Rasengan, they clashed with great force, resulting in both characters losing one of their arms. Featured Today. For the most part, Sasuke only ever used one hand with any sword he used, giving him a burst of quickness with them, but that doesn't change that the lack of a second hampered him. In many ways, he's become a far less evil version of Danzo. He has played different roles throughout the series, including that of a villain, hero, and antihero. Additionally, Sasuke possesses impressive skills and abilities, making him one of the strongest characters in the series despite losing one of his arms. Instead, he started relying on the powers of his Sharingan and threw caution to the wind in many cases. He believed that by relying on a prosthetic arm, he would be compromising his natural abilities and disrupting his spiritual harmony. Admittedly, neither one of his students turned out bad as his tutelage has helped push them both further. The battle against Momoshiki is easily the best in the Boruto anime thus far and one of the best in all of Naruto for that reason.

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