

Our social network to share and curate open educational resources. Courses and programs to develop your skills as a Wikibook educator, administrator, designer or developer. Moodle Academy. MoodleNet Our social network to share and curate open educational resources, wikibook.

Clicklaw Wikibooks are collaboratively developed, plain language legal publications that are published and kept up-to-date on a wiki, where they can also be printed. More than 50 legal professionals and law-related, non-profit organizations contribute to the Clicklaw Wikibooks collection. Read more Below are the most recently updated publications. For other titles, see the complete list. The site is operated in tandem with the public legal information program Clicklaw. Cliff Thorstenson.


Written in plain language, with rollover definitions for legal words and phrases, JP Boyd on Family Law provides practical, in-depth coverage of family law and divorce law in British Columbia. Up until , most chapters were divided among pairs of subject editors. Since , JP Boyd has taken on updates and rewrites to the wikibook to reflect substantial changes to key family law legislation and regulations. From Clicklaw Wikibooks. JP Boyd on Family Law. The Legal System. Family Relationships. Resolving Problems out of Court. Resolving Problems in Court. The Court System. Supreme Court Litigation. Provincial Court Litigation. Family Law Agreements. Child Support.

For contributors If you are a contributor collaborating in developing and updating content on a Clicklaw Wikibook, see the Clicklaw Wikibooks Contributor Guide wikibook step-by-step instructions on using the wiki platform, wikibook.

Ada 5. WikiBuku menerima tulisan asli maupun tulisan-tulisan yang sudah pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, selama penulisnya bersedia melepas tulisan tersebut dengan lisensi Creative Commons CC-BY-SA dan Ketentuan Penggunaan. Silakan mencoba di bak pasir , tempat Anda dapat melakukan apa saja dan rasakan bagaimana cara bekerja. Lihat juga rencana halaman untuk memperbincangkan berita-berita terbaru atau kunjungi warung kopi kami. Wikibuku bahasa Indonesia disediakan gratis oleh sebuah organisasi nirlaba, Wikimedia Foundation , yang juga menaungi beberapa proyek multibahasa yang lain. Utama Pembicaraan.

Wikibooks is a collaborative book authoring website, where users from all over the world work together to write textbooks and other types of instructional books on many topics. It is a Wikimedia project, operated by the same group of people who run Wikipedia, the Wikimedia Foundation. You can edit this page, and almost all pages like it, at any time. That is the basic principle of Wikibooks: anyone can edit it. The Wikibooks project was started in , and has become one of the largest free e-book websites in the world.


The tailored Wikibooks reflect the individual needs and the requirement of the learner. The exported individual WikiBook for the learner is used to add private annotations, that are added during the learning process. The private annotations in the exported document can be:. These annotations in the digital document are not meant for the public e.

Dara khosrowshahi

You switched accounts on another tab or window. Ada 5. No contributions on December 3rd. Odin dan saudara-saudaranya juga membuat sepasang pria dan wanita pertama dari kayu apung. Saturday Sat No contributions on February 25th. Ymir makan dengan meminum susu seekor sapi, dan sapi ini menjilati bongkahan-bongkahan es asin. No contributions on July 9th. No contributions on March 17th. Just press "Continua" to enter the course. Commons Media repository. No contributions on November 28th.

Wikiversity Learning resources.

No contributions on April 28th. This WikiBook is really great. No contributions on October 30th. No contributions on October 16th. No contributions on November 14th. No contributions on July 10th. Spousal Support. No contributions on December 3rd. No contributions on December 2nd. Odin dan saudara-saudaranya juga membuat sepasang pria dan wanita pertama dari kayu apung. Wikipedia Ensiklopedia bebas. From Clicklaw Wikibooks. Bahasa Indonesia. No contributions on May 21st.

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