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We extend the concept of accessibility in temporal networks to model infections with a finite infectious period such as the susceptible-infected-recovered SIR model. This approach is entirely based on elementary matrix operations and unifies the disease and network dynamics within one algebraic framework. We demonstrate the potential of this formalism for three examples of networks with high temporal resolution: networks of social contacts, sexual contacts, and livestock-trade. Our investigations provide a new methodological framework that can be used, for instance, to estimate the epidemic threshold, a quantity that determines disease parameters, for which a large-scale outbreak can be expected. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Gethmann fli. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


Good calf health is crucial for a successfully operating farm business and animal welfare on dairy farms. To evaluate calf health on farms and to identify potential problem areas, benchmarking tools can be used by farmers, herd managers, veterinarians, and other advisory persons in the field. However, for calves, benchmarking tools are not yet widely established in practice. This study provides hands-on application for on-farm benchmarking of calf health. At herd level, omphalitis O, median Abnormal weight bearing AWB was rarely detected median, 0. Calves with symptoms of more than one disorder at the same time multimorbidity, M were observed with a prevalence of 2. The enrolled farms varied in herd size, farm operating systems, and management practices and thus represented a wide diversity in dairy farming, enabling a comparison with similar managed farms in Germany and beyond. There was a slight tendency for smaller farms to have a lower prevalence of disorders. In addition, this study provides a detailed description of the colostrum, feeding and housing management of preweaned calves in German dairy farms of different herd sizes and farm type e. The most common disorders in preweaned dairy calves are diarrhea, respiratory disease, and omphalitis 1. Diseases in calves have a variety of negative effects such as growth retardation, a higher susceptibility to develop further diseases and an increased risk of mortality 2 — 5. A wide spectrum of risk factors affecting calf health have been reported, including energy supply of the dam 6 , colostrum supply of the neonate 7 , housing conditions 8 , and plane of nutrition 9.

J Vet Diagn Invest.


Tierhalter bzw. Die mitteilungspflichtigen Nutzungsarten gem. Die Melde-Verpflichtungen gem. Der 1. Der 2. Damit werden diese Nutzungsarten an den verschiedenen Stellen der Datenbank nicht weiter gelistet. Jede Behandlung mit Antibiotika im Kalenderhalbjahr ist vom Tierarzt oder von diesem benannten Dritten mit folgenden Angaben zu melden:.


Die Anmeldeseite dient zur Identifikation des Benutzers. Schlug die Anmeldung durch falsche bzw. Regionalstelle des jeweiligen Bundeslandes dem Betrieb bzw. Tierhalter haben in der Regel nur eine Betriebsnummer und keine Mitbenutzerkennungen. Damit sollte das Feld leer bleiben oder 0 angegeben werden. Falls in einem Betrieb verschiedene Personen einen getrennten Zugang mit eigener PIN erhalten sollten, kann bei der Adressdatenstelle des Landes um Einrichtung von Mitbenutzernummern angefragt werden. Damit ist sichergestellt, dass nur noch er selbst die PIN kennt. Bei Verwaltungsstellen kann die Frist ggf.

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Trends Microbiol. A continuous effect was estimated using restricted splines for number of calves and day of year circular. Using funnel plots in public health surveillance. Most of the existing node measures such as degree, closeness centrality 22 , betweenness 23 , or k -shell centrality 24 , take only topological, non-dynamical features of the static network view into account for locating the influential nodes. Figure 5. Exploring bacterial pathogens and risk factors associated with the occurrence of navel ill in calves. The experimental results show that the model can reasonably well describe these spreading-related properties of the network and it can generate crucial data for research in the field of the livestock trade system. Table 6. The pathogens are present on every dairy farm ubiquitous and the infection happens via the environment maternity pen, housing of calves, teat buckets, etc. Data sources such as the one used in this paper 18 are required for risk assessments of epidemics like ASF. Due to the structural differences between organic and conventional farms, a separate description of the organic farms was issued. For abnormal weight bearing, there is no increased clustering within farms. Finally, the ensemble of all possible outbreak scenarios would allow us to calculate average values.

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Van Mieghem P. Introduction to percolation theory. Omphalitis results from mixed bacterial infections of the umbilical structures Decumulative degree distribution of the static network view of the German pig trade. In this paper, we use an extract of this database, which contains all trades between premises in Germany between January 1, and December 31, Rocha for sharing their data. Overall, a clinical examination by trained veterinarians was performed on a median of 12 IQR: 6—25 preweaned dairy calves. The data spans the period from September to October and given the context of this dataset, allows to study the dynamics of sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, herd size should be taken into account when including disease prevalence in on-farm benchmarking. The data on social contacts allows to analyse the spread of airborne diseases as well as the propagation of information. Figure 3 sketches this logic for the pig trade case used in this paper. A model was fitted to account for seasonal effects, farm type organic, conventional and number of examined calves. This means that, when the outbreak is detected, the number of the infected animals should be as small as possible. This is a consequence of a factitious transitivity, if the temporal information of the links is neglected see Fig 1.

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