Yasuo counter

Yasuo middle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Yasuo middle counters against middle champions with a minimum of games. Yasuo wins against Singed After normalising both champions win rates Yasuo wins against Singed 8, yasuo counter.

No results found. Yasuo Builds. Hide Mid Lane Mid Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Yasuo. Worst Picks Against Yasuo.

Yasuo counter

Be cautious around the minion wave as Yasuo will often use his E to dash through the minion wave to get on to you. Stand outside and away from the minion wave at all times. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. This will reduce his ability to play aggressive and look for an all-in. Good times to use CC abilities or to trade with Yasuo is when he is overextended after using his E. You could use his poor positioning to go for a favourable trade to get him low. Avoid grouping too closely if the enemy has multiple knock-ups as it will allow Yasuo to get a really good Ultimate R off. Grouping but not standing on top of each other will reduce the effectiveness of his Ultimate R. Do not fight inside the jungle as it will make it easier for Yasuo to land his Tornado Q knock up and follow it up with his Ultimate R. Fighting in the open will make team fighting more effective for your team.

Don't let him get lvl yasuo counter first. Try to bait his E before committing to a fight. His windwall will block your Q and put it on CD.

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Yasuo Mid. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.

Even if these Yasuo counter picks are not chosen in the same position as you, it's not smart to choose him into these matchups. They will usually crush Yasuo. A key weakness of Yasuo is his susceptibility to crowd control CC which can interrupt his strategic use of the E dash. Preventing him from casting his E for a while could catch him out of position and make him an easier target. Yasuo relies on his W windwall to save himself from damage in ranged match-ups. Baiting him into a wrong use of this skill and maintaining your distance when this is on cooldown can help turn the tide in your favor. Yasuo can be particularly threatening when the enemy is pushed up, and a new minion wave approaches.

Yasuo counter

Yasuo middle has a The best Yasuo players have a Analyzing 5, games played by the top Yasuo players worldwide over the last 7 days. The average rank of these top Yasuo players was Grandmaster. Taking into account win rate and summoner rank Yasuo is ranked 32 amongst all champions in the hands of an expert.

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Watch out for the tornado and poke him as much as you can. Yasuo wins against Ekko You out-range him. After normalising both champions win rates Yasuo wins against Kassadin 0. Comprehensive and in-depth, all you need to know! Top Singed Guide- How to poison enemies correctly [ Fox Magic for fun by Mayuushii Ahri Player. You can easily win through team fights, but Yasuo is a hit or miss 1v9 so giving him that opportunity is scary. The average opponent winrate against Tristanais Vex Mid. Yasuo wins against Jayce First, it's important to save your E always because if you waste your E, Yasuo will dash onto you and all-in you. His passive allows him to tank through your trades easily early game, his dashes allow him to easily dodge all of your linear skill shots. You are outscaling him from start, dealing bigger damage and it is easy to kill him from start. If you catch him off guard, you can easily beat him.

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DO not throw out your qs as decent yas will dodge them easily. Also since he's dashing through minnions some Q's won't be able to hit. Yasuo wins against Akali Fluffy's Akshan guide, with match-ups, builds and runes. Syndra by Avyxia Syndra Player. Get armor! Yasuo wins against Sylas Once he has his first boots item, only poke down and avoid Q tornado whilst staying on your side of lane to back to tower should he hit and ult. Don't throw 'Q's at him, he'll just E away or W. WIP V1. Kindred The Eternal Hunters. You can R his tornado to prevent him from ulting you.

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