you tube amanda ellis

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me.

There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well.

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Remember Me. Welcome to my site! I am an international spiritual teacher, medium, writer, colour therapist, public speaker and a healer. I'm also one of life's perpetual students, believing that everything in this world is there to gift, show or teach us something. I have been on my spiritual path consciously since the age of 18 where I started to explore metaphysical energies. My journey really accelerated in when I first started my formal spiritual training. But really my whole life has been immersed in spirit, the angels and God.

You tube amanda ellis

Such a beautiful country and all organized by Marit Tessem, therapist, teacher and distributor of CM products. We all stayed in a school above the Artic Circle and Trondheim. It was midsummer and strange to be there during 24 hours of daylight.

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We send healing and light to him, Kate and his children and ask spirit to awaken his strength and Arthurian energy and for the 'sleeping giant' to activate within him and us all. Quan Yin who brings through other teaching on modelling mercy and grace, the absence of mercy and how we can encourage more of it in our world, Mary Magdalene brings a heart felt and sobering call to action - and a teaching on open mindedness expanded on in my next video released next week with Lilith and Kali Ma not covered here. Join us by subscribing. Significance of the repeating number 20 in many of the knights or their forbearers, tied into awakening - also a nod to what Spring Equinox on March 20th may bring to the table too. Amanda Ellis Videos. No comments on royal subjects not covered in this video will be posted, I have already read on Kate and will return to that when I have something new to add. A more uplifting video than some others out there External influences on the round table, how knights jostle for position and have to prove their worth, the enemy within and more. Talking qualities of a knight - Loyalty, Honour, Valour, humility, humbleness, courage, grace etc Knowing also your strengths, weaknesses and areas to work on. It is their truest essence. Join us as we explore the key strategies for success and navigate through challenges with confidence. First time in years we have Mars conjunct Pluto - and it just so happens to occur on Valentines Day! Explore the potential impact of his leadership in Britain's time of need. Learn how vulnerable individuals unknowingly fall prey to twisted thought systems.

Remember Me. I explore what is going on in our world, look at it from a higher perspective to bring love and unity. This channel is for everyone of any belief system, we are inclusive, high vibe and have fun.

The video ends with healing sent to all involved in a higher calling and destiny that is entwined with these scared isles. Channelled Messages from three Ascended Masters - including: Mother Mary and an invitation to join her in a stone circle, the stones as time keepers and portals to connect to her, also apparitions, miracles and remembering ourselves as shaman and medicine women and men. Purge, Clearance and Renewal energies and will we allow others to actually change. External influences on the round table, how knights jostle for position and have to prove their worth, the enemy within and more. Part 2: On the day this is released Prince William has pulled out of a high profile event - the memorial service to his godfather King Constantine of Greece where he was due to give a speech. What is the Knights Code and Vigil - what qualities are we asked to embody and why are they needed. Noting the reoccurrence of number And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. Australian governmental pressure and the waking of the rainbow dragon at Uluru The Trust fall Film Also looking at: Tug of war analogy The potential impact of a female judge? Significance of the repeating number 20 in many of the knights or their forbearers, tied into awakening - also a nod to what Spring Equinox on March 20th may bring to the table too. A card reading on likely outcome of the hearing, impact of Australian delegation, and his future.

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