Young big mom one piece

The family consists of Charlotte Linlin and her 85 children 39 daughters and 46 sons. Big Mom has taken 43 husbands, and some of her children have children of their own.

She's a menacing, sweet-toothed giant who lets absolutely nobody get in the way of satisfying her cravings. When a good number of the Straw Hats infiltrated her territory and sabotaged her tea party, she naturally had no plans of letting them leave the island alive. Given her despicable, spoiled behavior, Big Mom has been a target of many since childhood. Even so, one character has shown her what affection is like, and that's her foster parent Mother Carmel. Mother Carmel was a missionary nun known as "Holy Mother. One of those children was the young Linlin, who was left behind on the island of Elbaf by her own parents.

Young big mom one piece

Charlotte Linlin , [18] better known as "Big Mom" , [19] is the captain of the Big Mom Pirates [6] and was formerly one of the Four Emperors ruling over the New World , as the only female member of that group. Big Mom possesses three special homies, Napoleon , Prometheus , and Zeus , but unhappy with Zeus' continued failures, Big Mom decided to disown and replace him with a new Homie named Hera. Big Mom rules over Totto Land as its queen , [6] seeking to form it into a utopia where all the world 's races can live together in peace without discrimination or segregation. Big Mom was also part of the legendary Rocks Pirates as one of its core members. In Wano, due to being closed off, Linlin's reputation was largely unknown, especially with the more immediate threat, Kaidou, occupying the country. Big Mom is a plump woman with a sizeable chin. She has an enormous physique, standing at centimeters or just shy of 29 feet tall, which is the largest known height for any human. She is taller than the extremely large Whitebeard and was able to hold the cm tall Brook in her hand. Even as a five-year old child, Linlin was already massive to the point she was mistaken for a giant and was as tall as giant children. However, as an adult, she is a little over three meters short of the minimum giant height of 12 meters. She has a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick, large, round teeth, [1] and a long, thick tongue that often sticks out. She also has long, curly, and wild pink hair that falls halfway down her back, [28] as well as a long beak-like nose, and plump, round cheeks. When she was five years old, Linlin towered over normal humans and was about the same size as a giant child. She had a much rounder face and had freckles on her cheeks, her hair was kept into two buns on both sides of her head.

And that occurrence was the first of many other binge-eating sessions. Oven even attempted to use his own sister and Bege's wife, Chiffon, as a hostage to force the Fire Tank Pirates to surrender. Undetermined group Canon: Laffitte Prince Grus.


Charlotte Linlin , [18] better known as "Big Mom" , [19] is the captain of the Big Mom Pirates [6] and was formerly one of the Four Emperors ruling over the New World , as the only female member of that group. Big Mom possesses three special homies, Napoleon , Prometheus , and Zeus , but unhappy with Zeus' continued failures, Big Mom decided to disown and replace him with a new Homie named Hera. Big Mom rules over Totto Land as its queen , [6] seeking to form it into a utopia where all the world 's races can live together in peace without discrimination or segregation. Big Mom was also part of the legendary Rocks Pirates as one of its core members. In Wano, due to being closed off, Linlin's reputation was largely unknown, especially with the more immediate threat, Kaidou, occupying the country. Big Mom is a plump woman with a sizeable chin.

Young big mom one piece

As formerly one of the Four Emperors , Big Mom was recognized as one of the four most powerful pirates in the world. Five Elder St. As the captain of the Big Mom Pirates , Big Mom has amassed an extremely powerful crew, [23] as well as several strong subordinates such as Jinbe , a fish-man and former Warlord of the Sea , [24] and Capone Bege , a member of the Worst Generation. While under Big Mom's protection, Fish-Man Island was protected from pirate attacks, indicating a powerful influence similar to that of the late Whitebeard. Ironically, this fear makes Big Mom stronger due to the nature of her Devil Fruit powers. In spite of Big Mom's incredible strength, her greatest weakness is her wavering mental state.

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Their skirmish was interrupted when Germa 66 arrived and attacked the Charlotte Family's forces. In Wano, due to being closed off, Linlin's reputation was largely unknown, especially with the more immediate threat, Kaidou, occupying the country. Given her despicable, spoiled behavior, Big Mom has been a target of many since childhood. Tamago Bobbin Unknown status? Smoker Crocodile Portgas D. Haki Users. For the next 42 years, she gave birth about once a year, with some of them being multiple births, eventually having 85 children from various husbands. Charlotte Perospero 1st Son. After Pudding told him of her plan, Oven allowed Pudding to pass but attacked Chiffon for her role in Bege's assassination attempt. Mont-d'Or, Galette, and Opera gather around their brother Cracker's defeated body. Oven even attempted to use his own sister and Bege's wife, Chiffon, as a hostage to force the Fire Tank Pirates to surrender. Scratchmen Apoo X Drake Unknown status? After seeing the destruction of Carmel's portrait, Big Mom went into a state of confusion on what to be mad about.

Despite being born to normal human parents, Linlin was abnormally large and strong even as a child.

With Streusen out of commission, the family worried over what to do until Perospero diverted her attention to the Straw Hats, falsely telling her that the Straw Hats had taken the cake. Parents: Charlotte Linlin Unknown status? The Charlotte Family failed to stop the Straw Hats from escaping. Flampe tried to shoot Luffy again with her Silent Blowgun but misses. Judge then charged at Big Mom, but she shattered his spear before striking him down with Zeus' lightning. Katakuri made earplugs for his siblings, and they regained their composure as they chased after the enemy alliance. Arguably, that was the greatest year of Big Mom's life. Charlotte High-Fat 20th Son. Roger Rocky Port Incident. Busoshoku Haki Canon: Monkey D. Charlotte Cadenza 7th Son.

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