Zeus vs superman

Pitting Zeus against Superman in a hypothetical battle stirs the zeus vs superman of comic book aficionados and mythology enthusiasts alike. Both characters are iconic in their respective domains, with Zeus reigning as the omnipotent ruler of the Olympian gods in DC Comics and Superman serving as the quintessential superhero. On one hand, Zeus embodies the ancient myths, wielding divine powers and command over the elements, immortal and revered. On the other, Superman, hailing skinwalker mod Krypton and gifted with extraordinary superhuman abilities, stands as a symbol of hope and justice in the modern world, zeus vs superman.

Who is stronger? But it is certain that these two generate a force that seems to have no limits. If not, what about victories against their strongest enemies? To a fan, emotion is so high that they feel relieved when their favorite character wins. They even feel part of the scene. There can be no greater thrill in all the world than having to defeat your worst enemies. However, seeing these two characters beat their most common enemies is not enough.

Zeus vs superman

Boss16 Can superman take down the legendary God. Superman Prime, the Guardian-amped verion of Superboy Prime, no. Zack Fair Zeus Boss16 Do you guys mind explaining your reasons. Mshinu SMP punches trough time, hitting Kronus in the balls rendering him incapable of fathering Zeus. Prime wins. I believe SMP's magic immunity and overall general durability will allow him to take whatever Zeus dishes out. I also think SMP's attacks are strong enough to eventually overwhelm Zeus. No, we don't mind, but you need to tell us which Superman Prime you're referring to. Boss16 Well this is marvel zues and superman prime father of the futuristic 5th dimensional dynasty. DarkSaint85 Jeez.

Originally posted by Supra the day prime loses to this dead god is the day quanchi stops loving himself The day you make sense is the day you stop posting. The narrator even mentioned that they were tired and worn, zeus vs superman.

Speed is equalized. They both have full gear, they both have morals off and neither have prep. They fight on an indestructible earth. Lol doesn't Superman have more feats? And more impressive ones as well? What did Zeus do? Beat his father?

He is responsible for maintaining balance and order. Conclusion: While they may come from different worlds, both characters have similar roles in their respective universes as powerful protectors. His most prominent superpowers include lightning bolts, thunderbolts, superhuman strength, and immortality. Superman is also incredibly durable and has a heightened sense of hearing, enabling him to detect the slightest sound. Other than that, he does not possess any major weaknesses. He is featured prominently in many works of literature and literature, both ancient and modern. He can throw lightning bolts, thunderbolts, and hurricanes, as well as control the weather.

Zeus vs superman

Pitting Zeus against Superman in a hypothetical battle stirs the imagination of comic book aficionados and mythology enthusiasts alike. Both characters are iconic in their respective domains, with Zeus reigning as the omnipotent ruler of the Olympian gods in DC Comics and Superman serving as the quintessential superhero. On one hand, Zeus embodies the ancient myths, wielding divine powers and command over the elements, immortal and revered. On the other, Superman, hailing from Krypton and gifted with extraordinary superhuman abilities, stands as a symbol of hope and justice in the modern world. Comparing these two titans involves more than just tallying their incredible abilities; it necessitates a deep dive into their backgrounds, moral compasses, and the scope of their powers. Zeus is a character from Greek mythology that has been adapted into various comic universes. In the DC Comics universe , Zeus is the ruler of Mount Olympus and the king of the gods, often associated with the sky, thunder, law, order, and justice. His powers are vast and include reality alteration, immortality, superhuman strength , and the ability to manipulate energy, among others. Superman , on the other hand, is one of the most iconic superheroes from DC Comics.

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Thor was apparently capable of answering the ten count but he had obviously lost the initial duel. HolySerpent said:. Superman has allies in the Justice League, including Wonder Woman , who shares a connection with Zeus. I never said that. Anguirus vs Zilla Jr. Given zeus is or should be omnipotant he should win. And all it did was knock him down I've never stated he was impervious to physical force, I said that Zeus won't be taken down by anything in Superman's arsenal. FrostWing and Nakano vs Demigra and Vergil. Originally posted by leonidas heheh. To a fan, emotion is so high that they feel relieved when their favorite character wins. Zeus is magical supes Im sure could knock him out if he got the chance but I doubt Zeus would give him the chance

Since ancient times, the concept of a hero figure has been integral to many cultures, from pop culture to classic mythology.

Originally posted by LGU "All the while" doesn't really tell us much of use about the length of their fight; it just tells us that Zeus was ranting for the duration of their fight, whatever that may have been. Zeus is known to be a very sentimental character. Originally posted by wolverinos superboy getting a bloody lip doesnt change anything, he still pummled every freakin body. Speed is equalized. Is golden superman prime. Though again, Zeus' punches hurt Hulk just as much when he didn't have glowy effect as when he did Godzilla vs Mega-Kaiju. AweSam : In a movie. So now as you keep repeating how does Zeus win You baited me. Unless you think Goddamned shit ass grappler Prime is going to win by grappling. Speed is irrelevant because Superman can't beat Zeus and speed is equalized in the OP. The whole skill thing is a lie though. Phoenix Wright vs Junko Enoshima. Branlor Swift I change my mind too.

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