zosan nsfw

Zosan nsfw

This story started with a request from punkclowngutz found HERE. Thank you zosan nsfw for the request! A short little drabble that's been hanging in my drafts for a minute.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Zoro asks Sanji for something during sex. Sanji isn't sure if he's joking until he starts pleading, and who is he to deny the idiot swordsman if he's stooped that low?

Zosan nsfw


Zoro frowned deeply, sanji dipped his head down and licked a stripe up the underside if zoros painful erection. Keep reading.


While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Work Search: tip: austen words sort:title. Caught in the turbulent aftermath of an unexpected ambush, Zoro clings to an unconventional healing method and inadvertently descends into an addiction with unyielding claws.

Zosan nsfw

After splitting up for the day, both Zoro and Sanji start to feel off-balance. When Zoro makes his way thru town looking for his partner, he discovers Sanji is missing. Will he be able to find him? Or is it too late for the cook? I started work on this game almost immediately after finishing Night Tide ; and as such, this game is it's sequel in the concept of "being in sync". The two games aren't necessarily sequels in terms of story and relationship, but are most definitely sequential in terms of ideas and concepts. It is rated R and includes sex scenes-- but has an option at the beginning to skip the sex scenes entirely, so the game can also be played as a PG game. It takes about minutes to complete though it can be much shorter if you're clicking too fast, which I don't recommend and was made with the help of NomnomNami, who makes amazing games you should all go play! If you like this game, and you like ZoSan, please check out some of the comics I've made between these two! If you're interested in reading my comics in general, you can find out more about them at this link.

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The blonde is so focused on those sounds, on the wet heat and sometimes sharp teeth in the green oaf's mouth that he misses the echo of steps beneath them. Sanji pulled his fingers out of zoros hole, running his thumb over the sensitive area. Their glares meet with the usual flash of lightning and Zoro realises he's wrapped his arms around the cook, his chin resting on Sanji's abdomen after the attack. His hands scrabbling to grasp sanjis hair. Zoro groaned at the feeling of sanjis cum inside him, he himself on the brink of cumming a second time. After twenty goddamn years of looking but not touching, Zoro finally has the cook in his arms. The sounds bouncing off the walls of the crow's nest are obscene, the wet squelch of Sanji's dick as Zoro coats it in saliva, the choked grunts coming from the Marimo's stretched mouth and the hot pants breaking from Sanji's throat. His eyebrows showed an expression of concern and curiosity at the same time. He let out a sharp exhale as he resisted the urge to do anything impulsive, Sanji had grown serious again. He doesn't even blink as tears build in his eyes and Sanji's weight drops on him as the blonde turns to jelly above him. He was a mess below the chef as sanjis tongue swirled and teeth bit him. Surely there's a compromise in here somewhere? His heart raced and now his breathing became shallower. Remember Me. Testing the waters he lightly slapped zoros cheek, not quite hard enough to hurt.


Once zoro reached the kitchen he sorted through the sake bottles. Taking him all the way, making him gag. The swordsman began to give slow strokes, holding Sanji's thigh firmly with his free hand. A short little drabble that's been hanging in my drafts for a minute. He felt so pleased and complete. Law's more than happy to help. Go check it out here!!! Zoro walks in on them and is not impressed. Sanji should be more honest. He felt an overwhelming heat, he leaned on the railing of the upper deck and stretched his body, looking at his pants to make sure that his crotch was not accusing him of something. When Sanji heard that he backed away, tripping over a box. Sanji groans, pushing Zoro down his dick, getting his own back when the mosshead almost chokes, growling around his cock. But he was dizzy, he wanted to scream.

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