benny prasad wife

Benny prasad wife

Benny Prasad born 6 August is a gospel musician and instrumental guitarist from India. He designed the Bentar which is the world's first bongo guitar.

President Nathan was the first of many heads of state for whom Prasad would perform. All photos courtesy of Benny Prasad. Globetrotting Indian instrumentalist Benny Prasad from Bangalore did not know that a world record for travelling existed. That was until , when a fellow countryman, year-old Kashi Samaddar, broke the world record for travelling to all countries in the world in the shortest time. Prasad would go on to break a new record in six years six months and 22 days, between May and November Since his wish to set foot on foreign soil came true in , Prasad has been sharing his story of hope and change to inspire and encourage audiences around the globe. He has told his story of how he went from a sickly, suicidal year-old to performing at events like the Olympic Games in Greece — his first big break — and the Fifa World Cup in Germany, to worldwide media attention.

Benny prasad wife

A gospel musician and an instrumental guitarist, the Bengaluru native also set a world record in for the fastest time to visit countries , an accomplishment he achieved in 6 years, 6 months, and 22 days, from May 1, , to November 22, However, these accomplishments are far from the trajectory his life seemed headed toward as a child. As a child, Prasad suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and asthma, and at the age of 16, doctors gave him six months to live. The illnesses damaged 60 percent of his lung function and his immune system broke down, causing Prasad to feel useless and to even contemplate suicide. I can transform your life and make you a new person. Prasad said this was the first time someone embraced him in his weakness. Many close to him in his life had called him worthless. Now at the age of 48 and living again in Bengaluru, Prasad spoke with South Asia correspondent Surinder Kaur in Delhi about his dramatic transformation, why he started traveling, and his mission to save young people. What were the major areas where you witnessed change after your encounter with Christ? Growing up, I struggled with severe anger issues that frequently led to physical outbursts.

And truly, He has brought breakthroughs in my life.

They met at the 10th anniversary celebration of a missionary training organisation in India. Musician Benny Prasad had just broken the world record for travelling to countries in the shortest time. He shared his journey of going from a suicidal school dropout to performing for presidents around the world. On the other hand, Zanbeni Odyuo, refused to leave home from ages of 13 to 19, after two sexual assaults she told no one about. Benny made multiple flight changes across five continents — spending 36 hours and 25 minutes in the air — before taking an eight-seater charter flight to reach Antarctica. There, he did a mini lunch concert and shared his story with geologists, scientists and others stationed there. Zanbeni centre in , attending the School of Worship after she had emerged from her self-imposed isolation at home.

President Nathan was the first of many heads of state for whom Prasad would perform. All photos courtesy of Benny Prasad. Globetrotting Indian instrumentalist Benny Prasad from Bangalore did not know that a world record for travelling existed. That was until , when a fellow countryman, year-old Kashi Samaddar, broke the world record for travelling to all countries in the world in the shortest time. Prasad would go on to break a new record in six years six months and 22 days, between May and November Since his wish to set foot on foreign soil came true in , Prasad has been sharing his story of hope and change to inspire and encourage audiences around the globe. He has told his story of how he went from a sickly, suicidal year-old to performing at events like the Olympic Games in Greece — his first big break — and the Fifa World Cup in Germany, to worldwide media attention. He also became the fastest person to travel to sovereign countries, 50 dependent countries and Antarctica — a total of nations. In , Prasad built a seater cafe and community space in Bangalore — dubbed the suicide capital of India — to reach out to the college students who are depressed and lonely. During the recent Covid lockdown, Prasad produced The Blessing below in 31 Indian languages, also playing the acoustic guitar on it.

Benny prasad wife

At age 16, I thought of committing suicide. My struggles with self-worth started when I was six years old. My parents moved me from an English-medium school to a Hindi one when we moved houses within Bangalore.

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Instead, he planned to jump directly in front of the oncoming train. He is not dating anyone. Suddenly I noticed the ambience, the sound, was just so amazing. And truly, He has brought breakthroughs in my life. Benny says, 'If I could be made useful, anyone in this world can. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. Zanbeni and Benny during their recent visit to Singapore in May The change was so profound that, during my initial year of theological studies, the principal contacted my parents, expressing concern that I was studying excessively, and suggested that they ask me to reduce my workload. I would grab whatever object was close by—a cricket bat, a brick, or anything else—and direct my anger toward others, including my family. And I stretched out and slept. Through this process, his life underwent a complete transformation. Then there was one boy whose father was an official who got laid off. So I took a sheet of chords from a book called Scripture in Song and started to practise every day for seven hours. Nobody knows me. Musical artist.

Benny Prasad born 6 August is a gospel musician and instrumental guitarist from India.

My wallet is there — but it had shrunk down. I struggled because I was suddenly learning all my subjects in a new first language. Learn more. Also, a lot of time, energy, and paperwork went into getting visas. September Learn how and when to remove this template message. Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met. So what would you get out of a broken person like me? Growing up, I struggled with severe anger issues that frequently led to physical outbursts. For example, in Nigeria, my friend introduced me to his boss. There were lots of arguments between the father and son. But overtime, I found stamina that enabled me to accomplish tasks that were once impossible. Cover Story. It all happened over WhatsApp — not even a call. My dream came true in , when I went to Sri Lanka. We have estimated Benny Prasad's net worth , money, salary, income, and assets.

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