bob cut for baby girl

Bob cut for baby girl

Bang-trimming tips included at the end of the post! I start with a wet head of hair, because that makes things way simpler for me, especially if the kid in question has wavy hair. If I cut it with a side part, then we have to be really precise about where we part the hair after the haircut, or there will be weird long pieces hanging down on one bob cut for baby girl. Decide how much hair you want to cut off, grab a section of hair, and using your fingers as a guide, snip off the desired amount, bob cut for baby girl.

Need a toddler fix for the day? And in the photos, you can never hear her cry. We just love this girl. I miss the monthly updates I did the first year of her life so I had to recap this snippet in time. And of course she wants to be like them, and gets personally offended when I tell her no.

Bob cut for baby girl

Last week I watched my baby transform into a little girl before my eyes as she got her very first haircut. I was the emotional mom snapping pictures and grabbing a few locks of hair to bring home as a keepsake maybe this is weird, but my mom still has mine, so the tradition continues. Let me begin by saying that my kids are complete and total opposites. Not only are they boy and girl, but their personalities could not be more different and I love and appreciate each one for who they are and the different characteristics they add to our family. And when it did happen, he was on my lap and many many tears were shed. He hated it but he looked extremely handsome once it was over. I plan on growing out her locks, but after one too many mullet comments from my sister I decided she needed a trim. Of course I was emotional about her sweet baby hair being cut, but I knew I had to bite the bullet at some point. I did however, bring my camera in tow just in case I got the chance to be psycho mom. That alone made me tear up, haha!

What a beautiful baby you have!! Oh gosh, thanks for sharing the experience!


Little girls and their shiny, healthy hairs make them look like the cutest angels. But styling long hair of young girls can be tedious and messy, especially when those hairs get all tangled up. Brushing out those tangles every day before school can be a painful hassle for your girl as well as yourself. So, keeping the hair short is a great option to avoid these problems. And what better hairstyle than a bob can we go for if we are talking about short hair?

Bob cut for baby girl

Little girl bob haircuts always look beautiful, cool and classic. Mostly, little girls have short to medium length hair and choosing a bob gives them everything they lust for while keeping things within their limits. Your little girl will love you for that.

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I also have 3 kiddos with the first two boys being 13 months apart and then a four year difference when the third boy arrived. The 12 month and now comparison made me gasp. Congrats on the almost two years mark! Oh gosh, thanks for sharing the experience! Me, not so much. It is funny that those who have been concerned with saving money doing haircuts at home are now the experts of sorts. Charlotte has a mullet too! I really love the freedom of super short hair, no more hair dryer and just a teeny dab of gel holds my cowlick in place. Bang-trimming tips included at the end of the post! We invested in good quality Wahl clippers, hair capes, hair clips, combs and high quality hair shears. Fortunately, California opened up to hairdressers with masks and many restrictions a few weeks ago and I got a real haircut Friday, because they are closing to hairdressers again tomorrow. We watched YouTube videos and I buzzed his hair first. And that bob, so sweet! Happy Holidays! Thank you for sharing with us.

Bob haircuts have been a classic since, well, little girls have been getting haircuts.

We watched YouTube videos and I buzzed his hair first. I would love some suggestions! It takes him less time to do both haircuts, then the time to drive one way to a barbershop. What has worked for us is having the right tools and supplies to do the haircuts properly. Bang-trimming tips included at the end of the post! Kristen Tuesday 14th of July WE call Norah Claire claire bear too. Clara I have followed you since you were born and I just love you. We invested in good quality Wahl clippers, hair capes, hair clips, combs and high quality hair shears. Pin it back carefully before you start! January 13, Yummy baby!!

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